Chapter 11: Now I'm Stuck

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Yay!!! This is my 11th chapter, im just so excited that I actually got this far!!!! Thanx to all my fans and readers for motivating me to write more!!!

                                    From------------> Danny


                   Da'liyah's POV

 Damn! Now I'm stuck in a closet, waiting for a good time to come out. For a minute it was quiet and eerie. But I putted aside my feelings and turned the knob of the door open. Peeking my head out to see it the coast was clear. When I found the hallway completely empty, I got out of the closet. I tiptoed with the baseball bat just in case Jey'on was still here.

 He just made me so angry! How do you ask for someone to come over then you make out with a girl. And I was standing there while he did it. I sniffed the air to see if I can get his scent. Dang it! His intoxicating smell filled the house up. After a minute of standing there and sorting through his scents, I finally found the one that led to his room.

               I walked to his room, looking over my shoulder once in a while. I heard feet slowly shuffling from the living room. But luckily I was on the third floor. When I found his room I opened the door. Once I opened it, I was hit with his scent 10x stronger than the one in the hallway. I just wanted to cuddle him right now, his scent was the most amazing secnt I smelt.

                       Ugh! I'm suppose to be angry at him!! So continued on to my plan, to get revenge. I knew this was going to be loud, but why shouldn't I go out with a big bang? I lifted up the bat and started swinging at everything I saw in sight. I finished demolishing his room in seconds. I heard thumping up the stairs, which was my signal to jet. I bolted out of his room and down the hallway.

                           Content with myself, I giggled as I got down the stairs. Then I bumped into a hard rock. Once I refocused I knew it was Jey'on, I was praying I wasn't going to run into him. I looked up and saw him glaring down at me. I put on a innocent smile and ran away. But I got stopped dead in my tracks as giant hand wrapped around my skinny fore arm. At this moment I was in some deep shit.

                           Jey'on's POV

             While I was waiting for Da'liyah to show up, I tried to straight up the house a little. I heard a knock at the door, that excited me and my wolf. I immediately answered the door, only to be disappointed. It was Maggie, the blonde bimbo that couldn't take a hint.  " Hey Mag, what do you want?" I said in a bored voice. " I just wanted to see you silly" she said in that high pitch voice of hers.

          " Cut to the chase, I don't have much time" I said getting alittle impatient. I waited for her to answer but she didn't. But what caught me off guard was that she pushed passed me and grabbed me by the collar. Without the chance to say anything she dragged me up the stairs and around the corner.  By the time I could collect myself she started kissing me. When I felt her lips it felt horrible. I slowly let my imagination take control, letting me think that I was kissing Da'liyah. I don't know who long we were standing there but I didn't care.

                             Something urged me to stop, but  I didn't thinking was going to be my wolf nagging me about someting. After a while I started  hearing crashing sounds from the living room. I let go of Maggie, looking at her in disgust." Get away from me, now" I said in my alpha voice. She scurried down the hallway as I followed behind her.

Then I  heard retreating foot steps go upstairs. I went outside to see if they happened to go outside but was shocked at what I saw. I saw my car tore the hell up. I yelled in anger and rage. Whoever did this was going to pay. I looked closely to see that it had Da'liyah's handwritting all over it. She was going to get it big time.

                                Going back into the house, because I knew those were her footsteps. I may be a jock, but I'm no stupid person. I thumped into the living room and waited to hear a noise. For at least for 20 minutes I didn't hear nothing. When I heard shattering, I jumped up to my feet and started running up the stairs. Then I heard her going down the other stairway, which I went back down the stairs. I walked to other stairs and waited for her to come down.

                             I saw her come down the in her own little world, chuckling to herself. It was the most amazing sound I've ever heard. Then she bumped into me, making me look down at her. I putted on a serious face and started glaring at her. She looked up at me and gave me the most convincing innocent smile, whiling trying to walk away. It caught me off guard but I quickly got over, I grabbed on to her fore arm. The electric sparks made me shiver in delight.

                   I pulled her into my chest, making the electric sparks intensify more. I felt her struggling against my hold , just making me tighten my grip. We standed like this for at least 10 minutes intill I got tired of the silence. " Why did you make my car look like a junkyard car" I said out of curiousity. I heard her mumble something under her breathe.

                  " Because you were kissing that blonde tramp!" she yelled, clearly showing anger. It took me a minute to figure out what  she was talking. Then it hit me, which made me frown. " So you saw that?" I said looking down on her adorable face. " Yes I did you asshole!" she said while struggling to get away from me. She did put up a fight but I over powered her. " I'm sorry, I was so desperate to kiss you, I took out my imagination out on her " I said having an apologetic look on my face.

                              She looked up at me offended. What did I say wrong? " Oh so now your saying that I'm a blonde tramp?? And I have fricking brown hair!!! Let me go!!!" she yelled. I sighed and I walked over to the couch and sat down. We needed to sort this out some way.  " I wasn't trying to insult you little mate, I was saying that I was so excited to see you. She came into the house and started kissing on me. My imagination made me think it was it was you. I was tricked into kissing her." I said calmly. She turned her head towards still looking upset.

                         " First of all, don't call me little mate, you rejected me. I had no right to freak out on you" she said looking away. I felt broken when she said that. I had to make it up no matter the cost. I repositioned her on my lap so that she was facing me. She was still looking somewhere but me. I took her chin in my hand and turned her head so she was looking up at me. " Well I changed my mind about it" I said sincerely. Her sea green eyes looked into my blue eyes.

                          That made me think about how different we are.  She is 4'9 while I'm a towering 6'7. She probably weighted 100 pounds at the least while I was over 450 pounds. I was packed with muscles while she looked fragile and easily breakable. The only thing we did have in common is that we both had brown hair. I was mesmerized by her eyes.

                        I sanpped out of it when she looked away blushing some, but her face stone hard. I chuckled at her. I pulled her into a hug without her noticing. As I hugged her I fekt the sparks intensify. Then I felt a pain in my neck, which was replaced with pleasure. I looked at Da'liyah wide eyed, wondering what she did. " What did you do to my neck?" I said touching my neck seeing if any blood was there. " Well I bit you so you could stop hugging me , but I ended up marking you." she said looking surprised.

                      " Then I want even!! Give me your neck, now!" I said in alpha tone. She just giggled and got off my lap, which made growl. I got up and tackled her to the couch pinning her down. I could tell that she was going to get revenge on me in the near future. But I think I deserve it so I'm not even going to stop it.

                   Hey guys!!!! Im trying to upload often while I still have the ideas still fresh. Tell me wat you thought about this chapter. Im doing my best to to commit to my stories. But Pleaz COMMENT, AND VOTE!!!

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