Chapter 24: It's All My Fault

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Hello guys! Sorry that its been forever that I've updated anything. A lot has happened in my life, but I'm sorry for the delays. But I hope you like this chapter.~ Danny


                            Da'liyah's POV

                 It's been amazing!!!! I rolled around on my bed, with a smile plastered to my face. Everything was going perfectly, well that's how it seemed to me. I stopped my rolling and got up. As soon as I got up, the room was spinning in circles. Damn! I hate it when that happens. I walked out of my room and went downstairs, walking into the living room. I grabbed the remote and plopped down on the couch. I flicked through the channels, trying to find something good to watch. Why does there have to be so many?!? I groaned, feeling like I wasn't going to find anything good on tv. i turned off the tv, getting bored easily. Lily and Sophia gone having there girl time, making me feel left out. It seems like I'm always left alone.

               I shrugged it off and went near the front door, slipping on some flats. It feels like im missing something.......... my purse! I dashed back upstairs to my room and searched for it. But for some reason my purse didn't want to come out of hiding. I looked under my bed, but couldn't see anything because it was pitch black under there. " You better come out of hiding" I mumbled to myself, trying to see if we had any flashlights. Oddly, something told me to look up and I did. And when I looked up, a smile slowly made it's way across my face. There in the doorway was my mate. He was leaning against the door frame, with his hands shoved into his pockets. I got up from the floor and instantly ran over to him. He could always brighten my day.

                                     He smiled down at me and gave me a big hug. " I missed you so much " he said squeezing me tighter. It felt like my rib-cage was getting crushed! I gasped, trying to get enough air to say something. " I can't breath" I barely choked out, before it felt like I was going to pass out. He finally let me go, giving me the chance to breath. After I was back to my regular breathing, I snuggled into his chest. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist. " How was your day?" I said, looking up at him. He smiled back down at me, he pearly whites glistening. " My day was fine so far.I have some time off, so I'm happy about that " he said playing with my hair. I giggled and walked away from him. He frowned, and followed after me. Before I could make it one step to go downstairs, he was right in front of me. He had this stern look on his face, making me kind of concerned. What just happened?

                              " What's wrong? " he calmly said, but his face still stern. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, wondering why would he think there's anything  wrong. " I'm fine, why do you ask? " I said now wondering what is wrong with him. " Are you mad? " he said, ignoring my question entirely. I roll my eyes, knowing this wasn't going to end well. " No I'm not mad, why are you asking? " I said reiterating my question. " Because you walked away from me " He said his features softening. A soft smile graced my lips, making him smile also. " Nothing is wrong, I'm happy " I stated. He dropped his guard and just stared at me. Well it's not a surprise, he does this all the time. Oh I forgot, his name is Miguel. He didn't tell me his last name yet so I don't know what it is. I walked around him and continued on my way downstairs, trying to make it to the door. I couldn't find my purse so I'll just have to leave without it. I opened it, only for it to be slammed shut from a arm that reached over my head. I turned around to see him looking quite irritated. " You didn't answer my question " he said. I looked dumbfoundedly up at him, trying to remember what question he asked.

                                    " Where are you going? " he repeated himself, making me want to slap myself in the face. Of course he would ask me a question like that. " I'm going to take a walk in the woods " I said trying to pry his hand off the door. He looked down at me, shaking his head in a '"no" manner. " You're not going into the woods, it's too dangerous. Why don't we go the park? " he said still not taking his hand off the door. I didn't want to go to the stupid park, I wanted to go to the woods. " But I wanted to go to the woods " I said doing the puppy dog look. He looked at me plainly, and said no again. I furrowed my eyebrows in fustration, moving from in front of him and went back upstairs to my room.  Why does everybody treat me like this? Just because I had that one accident doesn't mean I'm a little kid anymore. Once I got up to my room, I closed the door behind me, locking it shut. Turned from best day ever to worse in 20 minutes, that's a new record. I threw myself onto my bed, trying to take deep breaths. I heard a knock on the door, but I didn't get up and answer, I didn't want to.

                       " Liyah, please open the door " he said, the door muffling it some. I continued on like I didn't hear him, wanting to have a little time to calm down and not be upset. I took in another deep breath, and calmed down completely. I got up from my bed and went over to the door and unlocked. I opened it, finding him not there. Where could he have gone? I walked downstairs, seeing if he left or if he was still here. I walked into the living , finding him sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I walked over to him, wondering what is wrong. " Miguel, are you okay? " I ask, placing my hand on his shoulder. He got up, completely ignoring I was there, and walked over to the door. I tugged on his arm, trying to stop him from leaving, but all he did was yank his arm away from me. He left, slamming the door shut behind him. I slumped down to the ground, tears slowly streaming down my face. Why does this always happen to me? I finally came to the conclusion that all of this was my fault.

                             It was my fault that my first mate didn't love, It was my fault that nobody really cares. It's my fault that my mate now doesn't love me. Soon I was sobbing, feeling so unloved, so worthless. Feeling that my mate didn't want to be bothered with a broken heart. After a while, I felt numb inside. Like everything didn't matter anymore, like there was nothing worth living for. I slowly picked myself off of the ground, walking over where the kitchen was. I went over to where the knives were and picked up the french knife. I walked back into the living room and sat back on the floor. Thoughts were racing through my mind, wasn't able to focus on anything. I clenched the french knife in my hand, ready to cut on the same cut that I did last time, until two arms wrapped around me. I paused, not knowing if I should continue or not. Before I could decide, one of his hands grabbed the knife from me and threw it across the room. He turned me around so that I was facing him, and I was surprised at what I saw. Tears streaked his cheeks and for the first time, I've seen him sad. He pushed my head into his chest and held me close to him. " Liyah I don't want you to die. I love you. I wouldn't be able to live without you if you ever died. I need you and you need me, so please don't kill yourself " he said sounding completely heartbroken. 

                       I didn't like seeing him this way, it broke my heart even more. He lifted up my head and looked down at me, wiping away my tears. " This isn't your fault, Liyah. It isn't your fault " he said sincerely to me. I bursted out into tears, always wanting to hear those words. Always wanted someone who cared and loved me. A person that would care about my opinion and listen to me. And that person was Miguel.


It wasn't the best chapter I've written but I hope is okay.~ Danny

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