Anakin's Arrival

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Anakin's P.O.V

It's been almost 10 years since I last saw Padmé Amidala. Her beauty scares my mind. I've longed to see her, and today I will. She probably won't remember me, but I remember her. Obi Wan Kenobi, my Jedi Master, and I are ordered to help Senator Amidala, to protect her from a evil bounty hunter. I know I'll be able to protect her, no matter what it takes!

Padmé's P.O.V

It's been a while since I've last seen Master Kenobi. I still remember Ani, how cute of a little boy he was. I wonder how old he is now. Probably 24 or something. But it's not like I want to see him, I mean I could care less...
Anyway, it's ben very hectic ever since my plane blew up. I've been sent a protector to watch over me. I hope he/she is good at her job..

Obi Won Kenobi P.O.V

Watching Anakin sweat made me nervous. "Stop sweating, it's not helping." I said. Anakin apologize and wiped his forehead. Me and my young Padawan were assigned to protect Padmé Amidala. Knowing by the force, I knew Anakin had feelings for Padmé. I knew later on he'd realize that it was impossible to love while being a Jedi. "Beep" The elevator stopped. Come on Anakin, don't want to be late.

Anakin's P.O.V

As Obi Won Kenobi and I got out of the elevator, I sensed that beautiful smell. Padmé I sighed. Oh how much did it take in my body not to run o her and hug her. But I knew better. She'd probably call security on me. I walked towards the room. Slowly losing my breath.

Padmé P.O.V

I was sitting with the Council. They I heard footsteps. I held my breath. "Its Been a while, Amidala." Obi Won says softly. Same back to you. I reply. I look to the left of Kenobi. They, right in front of my eyes, was a tall, handsome boy. Looked around 20 years old. Light brown hair, and hazel eyes. Ani?! I yell. Is it you?

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