Wake Up Lover Boy

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Obi Won Kenobi P.O.V

As I finish making my bed, I here Anakin laughing. I slowly walk out of my room, just enough to hear and see what was going. Anakin and Padmé were laughing at a picture..OMG THAT PICTURE WAS OF ME! I ran out of my room and snatched that thing. "How?" I said, out of air. "Hah" Anakin smiled. I didn't really care anyway. I looked at the picture. It was of me when I was a Padawan. I had so much pride. It seemed to have left with everything else I gave up.

As I went to the table for breakfast, I made Padmé and Anakin sit next to me. I watched his Every move. I watched him for a good 5 minutes and went to the bathroom. Little did Anakin know I left a recorder on my chair to here him from the bathroom. "Psst, Padmé" I heard Anakin whisper. "Why are you whispering" Padmé replies. " I don't know, just meet me at the tower at 9:30 tonight, ok?" Anakin said. "Ok.." Padmé answered softly. I thought right now was a good time to come back.

Coming back to my chair, Anakin looked up at me. "Mmmhmm" Anakin said. "Oh shut it skywalker." I laugh. We all started laughing. What breakfast!

Later on, a couple hours after breakfast, I decide to tell "Mr. Lover Boy" about the recording. Then it hit me. If I told him, he won't go to the tower. If I didn't tell him, he'd still go to the tower. I wasn't spying...I was helping him..in a way.
Pucker up lover boy..

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