Rise And Shine..Or Rain?

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Anakin P.O.V

Today Padmé and I were gonna go on another picnic. I was so happy. Things were beginning to work out between the two of us! After Kenobi found out..Padmé hadn't rally talked to me or, now that I think about it, Padmé hadn't spoke to anyone in a while. Would she talk to me today?!

I grabbed my coat and walked out side. Storm clouds ahead, but mostly sunny. "I'm ready." Padmé says. "AGhaj" I yell. "You scared me!" I laughed. Padmé smiled weakly and moved along the path. She seemed troubled. "Pa-Padmé? Are you ok?" I asked. She did answer. She looked down at her feet. What was the matter!?

Obi Won Kenobi P.O.V

I see the young Padawan walking with Padmé. Haha how sad she looks. Yet poor Anakin looks sad to! What a great day. Time for me to get them away from each other....

Anakin P.O.V

Still looking at Padmé, I sensed trouble. I knew everything that was going on. Kenobi spying on use again, and a new threat. The dogs!

Rain started to fall, first slowly, then as fast as a cheetah! I gave Padmé my coat to use as a umbrella. I grab my light saber and call Kenobi. "What..how did you know I was ther-" Kenobi started speaking, until I interrupted him. "Master there are dogs..that have rabies or something. The dogs slowly, yet quickly approach us. Then they jump!

The rain is heavy, Padmé on the ground and Obi Won and I fighting dogs. How could this picnic get any better!? Oh ye I forgot! It never was good!

Padmé P.O.V

I watch my love fight the rabid dogs, all just to protect me. Little does he know I've been upset! How can't he see? Doesn't he care? Did Obi make him stop loving me!? I whimpered. I snuggled against his wet coat. How much did I long to help fight the dogs, yet I knew is get in the way of Ani. I then realized that he did still love me because he gave me his coat and is fight rabid dogs for me. How sweet!

The rain was now hard as ice almost. The dogs were dead. "Anakin!" I screamed. Anakin turned to me. " Yea, Padmé?!" He yelled back at me. I ran towards him and hugged him. Obi Won Kenobi say me and I let go of him. We all ran into a shack for the night, since we couldn't see..

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