How could you?

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Obi Won Kenobi P.O.V

"Padmé? I yell from the downstairs. "Please tell Anakin to get his light saber and get going!" I continue. "Yes sir!" I hear her shout.

Padmé P.O.V

As I walk into Anakin's room, He was nowhere to be seen. All there was, was a pair of socks and his light saber. "Kenobi?" I yell. "Where is Anakin!?"

Kenobi runs up the stairs and sees the saber and the socks. "Wh-where is he? I turn and look at him. He looks nervous. "Obi I don't know where Anakin is." I reply to him in a nervous voice. I remember not to give away my feelings for Anakin away to Kenobi.

"Ugh we have to find him!" I speak. I need him in my life, not running away! "He isn't fair.. Right?" I ask Kenobi. "Fondly think he is dead? What if he is dying this minute?!" I yell. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO KENOBI?!" I scream. I turn my head. Right I. Front of me.. Was the window open. "Oh dear." I hear Kenobi's voice. I see him sweat.

"I'm going to find him. How could he leave? How could he!" I speak to Kenobi. "Out of words, dear Amidala. Out of words." Kenobi said. I walk away, and run downstairs. "GRAB THE SABER!" I yell at Obi Won. "Already got it." He replies. I know Anakin's out there, and I'm going to find him...

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