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Anakin P.O.V

Inside the house was amazing. As you walk in you see a Comfy bed/ couch pull out, a nice dinner room, a living room and a laundry room. "I love it!" Padmé cries out. I laugh at Padmé. "How long are we going to be staying here?" Padmé questioned. "2 days. And 1 night." I answer her. "Oh that's nice." Padmé laughs.

"Where are we going to eat?" Padmé asked me later on that evening. To be honest I hadn't had any plans. "You get to chose, beautiful." I spoke to her. "Well I don't think there is really that many restaurants in this planet." Padmé said. "Well we can just stay here?" I suggest. "Sorry that it's not that romantic." I reply. "It's ok, I'm just glad that I'm with you." Padmé smiles and hugs me. "I love you." I reply. Padmé kisses my lips. "I love you to." She replies...

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