After The Fact

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Padmé P.O.V

I lied to Master Kenobi. It wasn't fun to lie to someone so close. It felt like suicide! After Anakin left my room, I cried. It felt like, with out him, there was no point to live! I love him more than life it's self. I still have his breath on my neck and a mark...

I cleaned up my bed, which was full of gross sweat from Anakin.. "Hey..princess." I turn around to see Obi Won Kenobi standing at my door. "What?" I say. "Im not in the mood to talk to you!" I answer again. Kenobi laughs and walks into my room. He throws Anakin's shirt on my clean sheets. "I think it's his..from the laundry room this morning...does this shirt look familiar?" He spits out. That was the shirt..that he wore last night..

Anakin P.O.V

"Ugh! Wear is that shirt!" I scream. I've been looking for it for a good 30 minutes. Maybe Padmé has it?!

I go in Padmé's room, to see Master Kenobi. "Um" I speak. "And what are you doing here?" I announced. Kenobi turned and stared at me like a hawk. " I can to return this thing of yours." He answers, pointing at my shirt. "Good, cause I've been looking for that for ever!" I reply.
"Well after the fact of last night, I thought you might want to wear a clean shirt." Kenobi said. Padmé glances over at me. I smile. "Well that's nice" I quickly say. "Goodbye master Kenobi." Padmé said. I laugh softly. "Bye!" Kenobi says back.

"After the fact, bla bla bla!" Padmé mocks Kenobi. "Nice job at mocking!" I laugh.

"Well should head for bed..since its been a long day.." Padmé says. I yawn. "Good idea" I laugh. "Night." Padmé said. "Goodnight..dear.." I answer back...

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