Its Official

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Anakin P.O.V

It's been 2 days since Padmé and I have been married. It's been a great! I love it. I just hate how we have to hide it.

"Ani, Kenobi and I are going to a meeting with the council. We should be back in 2 hours." Padmé walks into my room. "Aw, I'll miss you." I say. Padmé smiles back. "I love you." Padmé smiles and whispers. "Same." I reply softly.


Padmé P.O.V

After I lock the palace doors, Kenobi yells "Hey, princess! Let's get going." I turn and make an evil stare. "What do you think I'm doing!?" I yell In annoyance. Why was Kenobi a jerk sometimes? Argh.

"So.." Kenobi asks. "What has Anakin and you been up to?" He smirks. I laugh. "Nothing at all." I lie. "Nothing at all.." I finish. "Ok that's good." He replied. Sometimes I don't know about that man.

As I walk along the path with Kenobi, I smell the flowers, how lovely they smelt. Kenobi laughs at me. I laugh back. "You know, I don't think we've ever been outside alone, I mean like without Anakin." Kenobi says. I nod my head. Yes he was correct, but I didn't like it. "It's better when Ani's here." I reply solemnly.

Kenobi stares at me with amusement. " I guess." I hear Kenobi's voice.

Anakin P.O.V

As I wait for my love to come home, I hear the doorbell ring. Ugh. I moan. Who is it now?!

I open the door and see C3PO and R2D2. "Hello master Skywalker. May we come in?" C3PO asks. I look at the time. An hour has past since Padmé and Kenobi were gone. I had time to visit. "Yes sure. Come in." I answer. "So." C3PO starts. "It's official?" He finishes. I blink in confusion. "What do you mean?" I ask. C3PO laughs. "I meant was, you and Padmé are now husband and wife! How great!" He cheers. R2D2 makes a cheering noise as well. I laugh. "'s official!" I laugh out. It was official and I was glad...

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