Its You!

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Anakin's P.O.V

I was embarrassed. Padmé looked over at me and ran to me. As we hugged I felt so good at last. I smelt her hair. Smelled like love. I wanted to pick her up, yet I knew that would get me in trouble. And then it all came back. She let go of me and walked over back to her chair. I was sad. I wished to hug her forever. Red as a tomato. I looked over at Master Kenobi. He signaled me over to a seat. As the Council, and the rest of us discussed the mission of protecting Padmé, I was looking at the girl I was assigned to. I was overwhelmed with joy! How much happiness I had, was just to much to count.

As the meeting was ending, I was excused to use the bathroom. I followed Padmé to the guest bathroom. "Here." She whispered. "Thank you." I replied back with a smile.

After the bathroom the meeting was officially over. I went to my new room that I would be staying in. Right across from Padmé's bedroom. As I unpacked Master Kenobi approached. "So when will you learn?" He said. I stared at him in amuse. "Learn what, Master?" I replied slowly. "Padmé is a senator, and your a Jedi! Stop this nonsense now!" Kenobi said. I turned red with embarrassment. How could he know!?

About 10 minutes after the discussion with Obi won Kenobi, it was dinner. Kenobi made me sit next to him, which made me across from Padmé. I stared at her continually until the food was served. I ate my food and stared at her. Even when she ate she was gorgeous. It was a magical event to see. Well I guess Obi Won Kenobi saw me and used the force to make my eyes drift away. I turned to him, looking at him with anger. How could he!

It was a great meal, and I was exhausted. I climbed into bed, still with my clothes on. As I was falling asleep I heard something. Something trying to break in almost. I grabbed my light saber and ran to Padmé's room. 3 poisonous slugs were about to bite her! I sliced them all. Padmé woke up seeing me on top of her bed. She screamed softly. "I-it's..not what it l-looks li-like. I murmured." She looked up at the clock. 11:34 it said. I turned and looked at her. She was slowly falling asleep again. I kissed her forehead. She was asleep. Score!

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