Its Time..

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Anakin P.O.V

I bend down on my knees. I grab the ring. "Padmé.." I begin to say. I grab her attention. "Yes Anakin." She answers.

All my life I've been waiting to ask Padmé to marry me. I've loved her since I was 10. Her beauty, her grace, and her smile. All of this made my love for Padmé stronger. I finally get the guts to tell her.

"Ok Padmé!" I began. "I've loved you forever, and you don't know how much I need you in my life! I love you." I finished. She still stared at me. Her eyes grew watery. "It's hard to live a lie all me life, but in not afraid anymore. I love you to Anakin, and I want to be able to live my life a lie, if I can be with you." She cries out. I smile. It's time.

"Padmé Amidala, I, Anakin Skywalker ask of you.. Will you marry me?" I spoke. Padmé looks down at her feet. I get butterfly's in my stomach. "I do!" She cries. "Yes Ani! I LOVE YOU!" She screams. We laugh and dance and hug. This day was the best day of our lives and futures...

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