Of course, my love

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Anakin P.O.V

I can't believe we got kicked out of the restaurant. Padmé was laughing so hard. I smiled. "It's great!" She laughs. "That face you made was priceless!" Padmé continues. As she laughs at me, I just Smile. It was pretty funny. I laugh.

As we got back to the palace, we walk into the living room and sit down. "Want me to make you some coffee?" Padmé asked. I node my head. "Yes ma'am." I answer. She smiles and walked to the kitchen. "Huuuh" I breath out. Padmé was perfect. She'd make a great wife...if I can get her to by my girl friend!

Padmé walks in the room with steaming hot coffee. "For you my dearest friend." Padmé said. I look up at her. "F-..friend?" I ask. "Well..I don't know what we are right now Ani." Padmé spoke. "We just have to be friends out of town." She continued. I looked up at her. "But you do love me? Right!?" I spoke softly. "Of course my love." Padmé says. "Of course." She finished.

Padmé P.O.V

Anakin started to drink the coffee. "Thanks for the coffee." He says. "Sure, sure." I speak softly. It has been rough. Not able to show my love to Anakin. It hurt my heart. I loved him ever so much, yet it was against the rules. AGH! Everything wasn't fair!

Anakin P.O.V

"Thanks again for the coffee." I tell Padmé. "Ok" Padmé smiles. I walk over to my bed room. I look back to see Padmé. "What dearie?" I ask In a sarcastic voice. "Oh nothing.." She jumps on my bed. "Oh..well if there isn't anything.." I look over at Padmé. "Oh Ani!" Padmé says.
"I love you." I say. "I love you more." She answers...

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