After Party..In The Room?

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Anakin P.O.V

After that prank on Kenobi, we hadn't talked much. There really hasn't been much going on. Padmé and I were gonna go on a picnic. I was so nervous. I wore my best outfit. I hoped she'd like it.

"Ani, you look great!" Padmé said. I was dying! Padmé looked drop dead gorgeous. I wanted to hug her and roll around in the grass with her. My love for her is unconditional! "Y-yo-you loo-look gr-great t-to. I spat out. Arg why did I have to mess up? Padmé laughed of course. I knew she enjoyed my company.

As we ate, we talked about something that is against rules. Marriage. It was against Jedi rules to have feelings for someone. And padmé was in office. We didn't talk about us getting married oh no! Padmé wouldn't. I think so at lest.

We were laughing our butts off. I never knew Padmé was that funny. She made tears fall out of my eyes. Ha

"It's getting dark.." She spoke. "Yea" I agreed. We packed our bag and went home. I went in her room. She was laughing soltly. "What?" I asked. "Nothing.." She laughed again. I was wondering what was so funny. Then it hit me, literally. She put the bag on my head and I didn't even notice, until it fell. It hurt a lot but I wasn't gonna cry or anything! She was takin her shoes off. I copied. My heart raced 100 miles a second. I knew where this was leading.

Padmé took her coat off. I didn't have a coat. I took off my shirt. "Uhm.. Ani?" Padmé said. "What?" I replied. Was she not gonna do it!? Was it my mistake!?
Padmé laughs at me. "Ani I was gonna say..." She stopped. "This isn't right." She continued. I fell apart. It was over! AHG! "NO!" I yelled to her. " I've love you since I was 7! Please!" I whisper yelled. Padmé looked at me. "Ani.. We can't" she spoke. "Fine!" I slammed the door and went to bed.

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