Ani, Im Back!

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Padmé P.O.V

"Ani?" I say as I walk inside the palace. "Obi Won Kenobi? Where is Ani?" I ask. "Padmé he is upstairs." Obi Won Kenobi laughs. I just smile. It's not my fault I love Anakin. I need to know where he is at all times! If I don't know where he is.., I could lose my breath. I need him as much as he needs me.

I walk upstairs. "Ani, I'm back." I say. I here a soft moan, showing that he was here. I walk into the sun room. There I see C3PO and R2D2, with Anakin. "Oh hello Padmé Skywalker." C3PO spoke. "Shhh!" I yell as I hear Obi Won Kenobi walking up the stairs. "Shhh what?" Kenobi asked as he walks up the last stair step. I exchange a glance at Anakin. We both blush.

"I think what they were trying to say shhh because I was laughing to loud.." C3PO lies. I look at him. "Yes yes that's exactly why!" I lie back. Anakin looks at C3PO and then back at me. I turn red with embarrassment. I know it's wrong to lie to Obi Won Kenobi, but Anakin needs to become a Jedi! It's in his power to make it happen. I just know it.

(4 hours later)
"Dinner, Anakin!" I yell. It seems like the past couple of days Anakin's been in his room all day. I wonder why? Is he embarrassed to be near me? "Coming!" I hear Anakin yell back. As I watch him him run down the stairs, he passed me and had the smell of cologne on. "Uhm!?" I look at him. "What?" I winked at me. I knew it...

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