A Real Jedi?

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Anakin P.O.V

I wasn't ready. I didn't think I could do my job while I loved Padmé. It was almost impossible! Her beautiful voice was flowing inside my head. But the awful sound of her voice saying "Ani, we can't.."
Made my head hurt. I wish Jedi's could love.

Each day my confidence is of becoming a Jedi was slowly dying down. I wish I could believe, but my heart longed for Padmé.

"ANAKIN!" Padmé yelled at me. "BREAKFAST IS READY!" I listen to her turn off the stove. I run downstairs. I look around. No one else was in the room. "Where is Kenobi?" I ask. "He left this morning, said something about going back to Naboo." Padmé spoke softly. Obi won! Going back to Naboo? But why!? I thought. "What's wrong, Anakin?" Padmé saids. "Why did you call me Anakin?" I ask. " Well I don't really know." She laughs.

We sit down and eat eggs and toast. She pours me a glass of wine. Wine!? "Uhm..why wine?" I ask. She laughs. "I thought you might like it.." I smile. She grabs my shoulders. I stare at her through the reflection of the wine glass. She looked tired and confused. Maybe she thought I wasn't gonna be a Jedi to..

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