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Padmé P.O.V

It wasn't fair! No one said anything about me not liking Ani! I wished we could be something but we can't. I'm not letting my feelings get in the way of him becoming a Jedi!

Anyway it was nerve racking to see him take off his shirt. Inside of me was having a heart attack, and the outside wanted to drop dead. He looked great with out a shirt...

Obi Won Kenobi P.O.V

I hear Anakin slam the door. He was angry. I deserved a good slap in the face, so I went in his room. He lay all across his bed, crying. It was sad to watch. "Ana-" I was cut off. "What are you doing in here, Master?!" He wept. I looked at him in amuse. His senses were strong. I was proud. That's why I had to get his feelings away from Padmé!

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