Where was I?

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Anakin P.O.V

Where was I? I was at the bank. I loved tricking people. "Here is 10grand sir." I said to the banker. Using my Jedi powers, the banker gave me my command. 10grand, right in my wallet.

Padmé P.O.V

"Let's go old man!" I rudely said to Kenobi. "Gosh!" He yelled at me. "We have to find Ani!" I shouted. "We just did." Obi Won Kenobi said as Anakin came in throw the door.

"ANAKIN SKYWALKER! WHERE WERE YOU! I THOUGHT YOU LEFT US, I THOUGH YOU LEFT ME!" I cried. I couldn't control myself when I saw Anakin. I truly was scared.! I'm glad he was back.

"I have to talk to Padmé alone, Master." Anakin said. I turned toward Kenobi. He nodded. As he left the room, I kissed Padmé. Not like a kiss kiss. But a nice sweet kiss. "I was scared." I told him once more. He laughed. "Would I ever leave you?" He asked me. "No." I replied...

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