chapter two

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chapter two


tw: mention of forced prostitution, physical abuse from family


Sage still hasn't become accustomed to seeing her face plastered in magazines, on posters and on television screens. From the moment her name was called at The Reaping, she knew either one of two things would happen to her. One, she would die in the Arena, a face and name forgotten just like the other twenty-three lost tributes with the exception of their families to guard their memory. Two, she would somehow manage to survive, exiting as a Victor for The Capitol to praise and spy on for at least a year until she would pass the crown to a new shiny toy.

But she never imagined anything like this.

Reporters crowding her hotel room, shoving their cameras and microphones into her face down the elevator, through the lobby, even to her car. To say Philo enjoyed the attention would be an understatement. Then there were the tabloids, already hot off the presses, the paper barely cooled. Philo was cooing at them in their limousine, noting how "tall and handsome" Ptolemus looked while Sage appeared as "lovely as ever."

It's strange seeing what she thought was such an intimate moment from a different perspective peering in. There's one photograph of the two in an embrace, lips pressed together for their kiss. Another from when they heard the clicks of the cameras, Sage whirled around, wide-eyed and clinging to a steady Ptolemus. The headlines read, "VICTORS IN THE GARDEN: ANOTHER HUNGER GAMES LOVE STORY?"

Now as she sits in the bullet train heading towards District Ten, horizons made of blurry mountains and trees rolling by, she can't help but straighten at the sound of Ceasar Flickerman's voice. Gnawing on a fingernail absent-mindedly, her gaze finds the illuminated television screen as she curls up on the velvet sofa. Philo sits in front of it like a child waiting for their Sunday morning cartoons.

Caesar folds his hands neatly on the table before him, powdery pink nails matching his eyeshadow and wig. He leans forward, stare boring into the camera with a light playfulness. "Now, as you may know, this weekend was our famed Gleam Gala, where The Capitol truly gets a moment to shine! Rubies, sapphires, diamonds, all from our beautiful Panem. But!" His smile flashes white, eyes beaming as he holds up a finger. "That's not the only thing growing from our beautiful country. Perhaps, a new romance is blooming in The Capitol Gardens. Let's take a look!"

Sage recognizes the images from the tabloids as they emerge on screen. The differing angle still feels invasive, and she tucks her knees closer to her.

"Oh!" Philo points to the screen with excitement, wide eyes flickering between her and the pictures. "There you are! There you are! It's so sweet I want to scream!"

Sage stifles the urge to remind him he is screaming, shrill voice piercing her eardrums, but draws her focus back to the screen. The images of her and Ptolemus grow smaller in the corner as Caesar reemerges. He offers a cheeky grin, jutting a thumb to the pictures. "Get a load of these two. Looks like our Legacy Ptolemus Pierce and the Nation's Favorite Cowgirl, Sage Navarro, snuck away for a dance."

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