chapter eleven

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chapter eleven


Knots in Sage's stomach lurch forward the same time the train does as it slowly reaches the end of the tracks. Just like that, she's been delivered back to the heart of a ravaging beast whose hunger must be quenched ceremoniously every year. Despite the glistening skyscrapers, cerulean sky painted with puffy clouds and crisp refreshing air—even the rainbow colored people—it still feels so much darker in The Capitol. Like falling into an abyss that decides when it's ready to spit you back out for a breath.

She was hoping this might feel similar to her arrivals for the parties she's been invited to. But it doesn't, the train's only stop being the Tribute Center. It feels like the arriving at the end of the world.

There's some faint commotion outside, but not much, candy colored hands waving once in a while in the direction of Ten's train. Perhaps the waves are a good sign. Sage can't remember if her and Lance received such a welcome a year ago. She glances toward a rigid Mateo, his upper lip twitching with his fingers at his side, dark eyes flitting between the windows and the door. Taura just stares at her feet.

"Now," Philo inhales sharply, his hairy brows raising with a poised finger. His eyes glance between both the tributes. "Here comes another chance to provide a lasting impression! Whatever you do, don't pout!"

Sage rolls her eyes as she silently recounts the hours of him forcing her to practice her smile in the mirror. Taura still straightens her back, shakily removing her gaze from the floor. She swallows thickly and attempts a light grin. Philo nods in approval before watching and waiting for Mateo to muster up something other than a scowl.

"Well? Just a little smile, maybe? Ooh! Or perhaps a wave?"

"Ooh!" Mateo mocks his tone. "Like this?" The boy waves his middle finger through the air, twisting his wrist with poise like the kings and queens once did.

Philo gasps in horror to the point Sage swears he's going to have a heart attack, lungs wheezing for air and a hand clutching his chest. He rocks on his heels and almost stumbles down the steps just behind him. His eyes, as wide as saucers, narrow beneath a bushy frown as he scowls. "Young man!"

Mateo chuckles lightly at the Escort's reaction, and Sage might smirk if she didn't have to worry about ensuring his survival. Philo may be dramatic, but it's likely Sponsors might have a similar reaction if Mateo were to offer his version of a wave. She shoves his hand back down to his side. Philo's features are flushed scarlet.

Just as his lips twist with distaste, tongue ready to chastise, Shep sighs loudly. "Let's get going so the Prep Team has all the time they need."

Philo sweeps a dismissive and disgruntled look across Mateo, before swiveling on his heels. His white wig swirls with him. "Hmmph! They'll need all the time in the world for that one!" When the door opens, the hum of a chattering crowd grows a bit louder. More intrigued citizens hoping to catch a glimpse of the tributes from Ten.

"Through the chute, huh?" Mateo mutters bitterly as he follows a stoic Shep and stumbling Philo. Sage side-glances him, realizing he's talking to Taura. The doe-eyed girl nods in solemn agreement.

Being from the Dairy Sector, Sage was spared the gore that other Sectors grew numb to. However, she knows the stories of what becomes of dairy cows who no longer produce milk. Like what was meant to come of Petunia who rests peacefully beneath the oak tree. Cow after cow lead through the chutes like a maze they're never meant to find their way out of, trotting toward their deaths. They try to do it as humanely as possible. Stunned into unconsciousness that warps with the very end of consciousness from a quick and nimble blade.

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