chapter thirty-three

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chapter thirty-three


tw: violence, character death


None of them want to be the first to dip a toe onto the ground.

Over the next twenty minutes, they silently and breathlessly inch their way down the tree until they're only ten feet from the base. It's a dangerous descent, the bark slick with the remnants of quicksand. Ptolemus stares and waits to see another wet glint of the sand again, proving that it's still there. That it truly isn't that easy — the Gamemakers not quite done with terrifying them yet.

But that's the point of them draining the quicksand. They simply aren't done with terrifying and maiming them yet. Can't take out six of your highest ranked Tributes before the first sunset, right?

Augustus and Cashmere crawl to the fallen tree that was once their refuge. It's slick with mud, and she almost slips, a frightened squeak escaping her. One of her knives falls out of its hilt and clatters to the ground. Key word — clatters. No splashes or sinking. Everyone watches it quietly, waiting for the blade to disappear.

It doesn't.

"Try something heavier," Enobaria demands, still glowering at the ground warily.

With one firm shove, Cashmere pushes Augustus off the trunk. He yelps, crashing and rolling into the dirt. If it weren't such a dire time, Sage might laugh. Ptolemus's lips twitch upward as he watches a furious Augustus stand with a start, spear pointed right at Cashmere's chest.

"I'm not above killing my District Partner," he snarls.

"Good luck getting parachutes then," she quips coolly. "My brother would send a bomb down to you before anything else." She inhales a short breath through her nose as she leaps off the trunk and onto the firm ground. A muscle in his jaw twitches when she pats his shoulder. "What's that you're always saying to me? Lighten up, gorgeous?"

The rest of them slink down from the tree. Ptolemus offers Sage his hand as he carefully helps her to the ground, and a wary Shep follows after them. He looks dizzy, legs shaking and strides stumbling. Sage isn't sure whether his knees have given or if he's simply tucked himself into a crouch as he holds his clammy head in his hands.

Her lips form a tight line, and she carefully crouches down beside him too, rubbing soothing circles into his spine. There's still a wheeze to his breath.

"You were really brave, Shep," she murmurs. "It's okay now. We're okay now."

He digs the heels of his palms into his eyes and whimpers, trying to rid himself of the images. When he exhales, it's shaky, the breath rattling his ribs like windchimes. Sage gets an idea.

"Where's your token?" she asks gently.

He reaches into a pocket of his wetsuit to grab it. She feels her own dangling from her neck.

Just as he's pulling it out, Enobaria clears her throat. "Let's get moving." She's got her spear back in her grip, and she pokes the ground in front of her to ensure it's solid before taking a step. "There hasn't been a cannon since the bloodbath. Which means those kids are still alive."

Augustus is still fuming when he plugs one of his nostrils and blows sand out of his nose. His dark eyes are stinging, and he blinks repeatedly, glaring at Cashmere again. "I need water — my throat is on fire. Do you still have that tool?"

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