chapter nine

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chapter nine


tw: mention of forced prostitution


"I don't know whether to jump for joy or scream in anticipation!" Philo cries, the excitement screeching in his tone. He grins brightly. "Maybe I'll do both!"

"It is exciting," Tatiana agrees, adjusting Sage's gown. "Your first public event together. It seems you two are the new 'It Couple!'"

The Victor doesn't say a word, wincing instead when Zelia dabs more makeup along her bruise. The member of her Prep Team pays her no mind as she maintains her pressure, desperately blending the shades in an attempt to conceal it. Sage gnaws on the inside of her cheek, struggling to withhold her grimaces. Orion, another member of her Prep Team gasps in annoyance. "Stop with the sour face! These flowers are going to look like blobs if you keep it up!"

"Sorry," Sage breathes, trying to still her features. Once it seems to satisfy the man, he continues the intricate design along the corners of her eyes. The brush tickles.

"Where did you two run off to anyway? Don't be coy, we can keep a secret," Philo pries, a boyish and giddy grin beaming in her direction. Then he glances around to Tatiana and her busy team. "Can't we?"

They all nod and chirp in agreement.

Sage stifles an eyeroll. However, a part of her doesn't necessarily mind recounting the date, a warm fondness spreading in her chest at the memory. She's careful to withhold any facial expressions as Orion continues his work. "Well, we went back to his condo." They almost seem to inch forward at that with intrigue. Philo sips his glass of champagne, wide eyes trained on the Victor as he hangs to her every word. "And he made me dinner."

"Oh, how precious!" Zelia coos.

"What a catch!" Tatiana raves.

Philo beams brightly, urging for her to continue with a wave of his hand. "Then what happened?"

Sage shrugs. "We talked." There's another flutter in her chest as she recalls the conversation. The gentleness— the honesty— the intimacy in the understanding. All of it. Even the way he made her feel safe when her vulnerability revealed itself. She locks gazes with their unamused stares.

"That's it?" Philo questions, the giddiness evaporating from his tone. She blinks at him dumbly.

"Yeah. It was nice."

"That..." Tatiana fumbles to come to her rescue again. "Sounds lovely, dear."

"Very sweet," Zelia agrees, finishing with Sage's forearm. She almost releases a breath of relief as the pain slowly fades.

Philo clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, breathing shortly through his nose. "Well, certainly more will need to happen tonight."

Sage doesn't give a shit about Orion's flowers now. The man groans in frustration as she frowns. "Excuse me?"

"Well you know, to keep him interested," Philo explains. "You can't keep a man waiting."

Disgust writhes in her gut at her Escort's words, and a muscle in her cheek twitches. Then there's the part of her who is worried that's true. That to keep him waiting might mean he'll lose interest. Ptolemus isn't that kind of guy, right?

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