chapter thirty-one

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chapter thirty-one


tw: violence, character death

They hold each other closer than they've ever held each other their last night together. Kissed like every single one was their last, a declaration of love on each other's lips and skin. And the whispers, the whispers of "I love you's" harmonized with their heartbeats and hummed like a lullaby they could finally fall asleep to. Neither of them want to leave the bed as they remain entangled in each other's arms once morning comes.

When Philo knocks ever so softly on Sage's door, she almost starts to cry again. After a few more minutes of kisses and vows, Ptolemus carefully pulls himself out of the covers. He aches the second they're even just an inch apart. Another kiss to her nose, to her cheeks, to her lips and to her temple. Then again. Just when he's thinking about turning to that door, knowing once he walks out the next time he'll see her is in that Arena, Sage reaches out for him again.


He clings to her palm, rubbing soothing circles into the top of her hand with his thumb. "Hm?"

With the morning comes the jarring clarity of what's to come. What is finally happening. The plan is just hours from being in motion, and she knows that each breath in that Arena is precious. She remembers Ptolemus's words from his interview. He's fully prepared to die for her any moment the opportunity arises.

She has to ensure he makes it to Midnight. She can't bear the thought of any other outcome.

Sage bores her eyes into his with a desperation that only she truly understands. "I need you to trust me. In the Arena." She squeezes his hand tightly, almost pleading. His brows furrow with worry at her tone. "I need you to trust me no matter what, do you promise?"

Ptolemus studies her carefully and quietly. There's something hidden in her eyes, but he can't dig it out now, not with so little time. So he just leans down to kiss her once more. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead on hers, closing his eyes.

"With my whole heart."

She exhales a shaky breath, a tear of relief falling down her cheek as he closes the door softly behind him.


She doesn't have an appetite, but she forces herself to eat anyway. This will be her last chance at a real meal for the next two days, and God only knows what the Gamemakers have in store for them. Her last Games, she lived off jerky from her pack, some kind of desert rabbit, and a lizard of sorts that she would've thrown up had her stomach not ached so much for something to stop the hunger pains.

At the other end of the table, Shep looks green. He has to constantly wash his eggs down with juice every bite as he forces his breakfast down. His hands are shaking. Philo is crying per usual, tears falling onto his uneaten pancakes.

Suddenly, there's a loud Bang!, the table shaking. Philo reers his head and jumps with a cry. "Oh my heavens!"

Both Shep and Sage nearly leap out of their chairs from the sound too, expecting Tatiana and Chiron to open the apartment door and take them away. But when they look to the center of the table, blinking back memories that threaten to resurface every second, they find the source. Barrow grins proudly at his finished carving he's presented.

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