chapter forty-eight

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chapter forty-eight


mention of torture, mention of abuse, mention of character death, violence, ptsd — mockingjay is heavy :(


Physical therapy is exhausting. They started off with very simple and basic exercises to just get her muscles used to being utilized again, as well as a few routines for balance. By the end of the session, Sage is out of breath and breaking a sweat. Ptolemus offers her his arm to help her back into the bed once her physical therapist Dr. Clad leaves. The doctor seemed to be impressed with Sage's capabilities given her condition, but despite this optimism, she still feels like an unsteady mess.

"Don't you have appointments too?" Sage asks, glancing over at Ptolemus beside her.

He shrugs simply. "None that matter right now."

She gives him a pointed look. From her understanding, a visit with his occupational therapist and Dr. Metis are just as important. She glances to the medical patch over his eye again. "Tolly."

"What?" A corner of his lips tugs upward with light amusement, blue eyes glittering. He holds up his empty wrist and shrugs again. "Don't know what time they are anyway. No schedule."

Sage remembers the bits and pieces he and Nurse Bryn have offered her about the life of Thirteen. Tattooed schedules and tons of rigid rules meant to be followed, not broken. Just when her lips part to object, he leans forward to kiss her temple. "I told you. I'm not going anywhere."

However, when Dr. Metis finally arrives some point after lunch, Ptolemus does leave the room to allow her privacy between herself and her therapist. He has to resist the urge to linger outside by the windows. What if she needs him but he's not there? Dr. Metis offers some hushed consolation as he exits.

"I'll have them fetch you if she asks for you."

He nods, offering Sage another small and comforting smile in the doorway. She mimics him the best she can as she straightens and offers a firm nod. He can't worry about her. She has to be able to do this. She must be convincing enough, because he mouths the three words to her before turning to leave.

Sage tries not to be afraid when Ptolemus shuts the door behind him, smoothing down her quilt to hide a flinch at the soft click of the latch. She stares at the colors of the patches in an attempt to anchor herself down before her mind can transport her to another room that reminds her of this one. Not only can she feel her heart racing, but she can hear it too, the monitor picking up its pace. There's footsteps and the faint spinning of wheels on a stool as someone grows closer. She doesn't glance up until she hears their voice.

"Good afternoon, Sage," Dr. Metis greets warmly.

Sage smiles her friendly smile back at the woman, keeping her tone light. She still fidgets with her ring. "Hello."

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Dr. Metis crosses her legs to balance her clipboard along her lap. "I've heard so many wonderful things about you."

She nods. "Likewise. It sounds like you and your husband have been a great help to Tolly and my family."

Dr. Metis smiles. And while it's warm, she notices the way she studies her, a glimmer of knowing in her kind and patient eyes. The therapist nods too. "I hope I can do the same for you."

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