chapter fifty

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chapter fifty


mention of torture, mention of abuse, violence, ptsd, mention of forced prostitution/sex trafficking — mockingjay is heavy :(


The mountains are moving. Or at least, they look like they are as the hovercraft enters District Two's airspace, clouds parting to reveal the warring land below. Ptolemus knows they aren't actually, the troops merely shifting their positions in all of the outlying villages and in some pockets of Ravenna. The mismatched tones of grays and whatever else the rebels could find for a uniform hold the blaring white Peacekeepers at bay, but they still can't break through to Two's most famous mountain. The hub for The Capitol's military and defense, the final barrier between the rebels taking command of the war.

Beetee's been talking Ptolemus's ear off the entire ride about it in his own intelligent but confusing manner, prodding the District Two native with questions of the mountain's nature. He learns that the rebels are calling it The Nut, as in a "tough nut to crack." A contrast to what he's always been taught to know it by, Promise Peak, a symbol of hope towering over the quarry and mine workers to escape poverty. All in the name of serving The Capitol.

Ptolemus tries to humor Beetee and engage, but he struggles to pull himself out of his mind. The questions rear their ugly heads again as he toys with his wedding ring.

How long will he be here? Katniss has been in Two for two weeks. Will it be that long? Or even longer? What about Sage? Is she okay? Or is she trapped in another horror of her mind and he isn't there when she needs him? His heart aches with longing, already missing her. He just got her back.

Then there's the other ache plaguing his body. One that's already known loss. How could they hurt Dev? Did she suffer? He knows the answer, but he doesn't want to accept it as he hears the echo of her humming, head still hurting from all the crying. Then his mind wanders to another loved one whose status remains unknown.

Is Gunnar alive? Will he reunite with him if he is? Or was their goodbye before the Reaping truly final and his best friend is gone? Did he suffer too? Will he get to crumble bread over his body, or is he buried with the rest of the wounded in an unmarked grave? His stomach churns at the thought, remembering the boy's crooked grin from the first day of Kindergarten as the two played together with the blocks. He can still see him in the crowd on Reaping Day — both times.

Can he face the people of Two? Will they welcome him with open arms, or is he merely a traitor to them as their District is torn apart? He asked them to stand up for themselves, to stand with him, to stand with the Mockingjay. They've clearly answered his call. But who is he to them now as he's been tucked away safely in Thirteen while they're the ones who truly fight and die for the cause he called them to?

Boggs and Soldier Cormac, another lead, tell the others to brace for landing. Beside him, Gale adjusts his grip on his crossbow. Ptolemus grips one of the handles by his head and watches through the window. It's as they grow closer and closer to what he recognizes as Carrera, a village known for its marble quarries and the home of Marcellus, that his stomach sinks with dread from another thought.

His parents. Is he finally going to come face to face with his parents again?

His heart is hammering relentlessly against his chest bone once they finally land. It echoes in his eardrums, and he can barely hear himself think as he stands. Ptolemus doesn't realize he's lightheaded until he notes the weakness in his knees. He grinds his teeth together and anchors himself into reality the best he can. It becomes even more real once his boots hit the dirt and that crisp mountain air slides down his windpipe like refreshing ice water. It should draw a sense of comfort.

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