chapter three

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chapter three


tw: mention of violence and character death


It took a couple days for the tape to come in. First, Philo needed to find it, eventually earning access to the film by asking the right people. Then, it needed to be shipped to Sage's Mansion in Ten, going through the complicated postal process. Nevertheless, the package has ended up on her doorstep, something she's been impatiently waiting for yet at the same time dreading.

Whatever she's about to watch, she hopes it gives her some answers. Preferably, the ones she wants.

Sage pours herself a glass of water, the pitcher trembling in her hands and the ice clinking together. The package came around noon, but she told herself she'd wait until after dinner to open. So throughout the day, she tried to be productive. Stopping at the market, helping Alondra weed her garden, even attempting to recreate one of her mother's famous recipes. It was going pretty well, until smoke flooded her kitchen and set off the fire alarm, resulting in her settling for a bowl of cereal.

Her eyes nervously dart toward the package sitting along her counter. It feels so daunting. A part of her thinks about sending it back, telling Philo she's changed her mind. Perhaps it would be easier that way.

Easier isn't always better.

She drums her fingers softly against the granite, gnawing on her bottom lip as she stares. It's been almost a week since the Gala. Sometimes, that feels like a century, others, it feels like seconds. What was something she expected to be terrifying and dreadful somehow had a silver lining. When she thinks about his manners, his charm, his kindness... and his lips, she feels herself melting into a girlish crush she thought one didn't catch after a certain age.

Sage is excited about Ptolemus, even if she's unwilling to admit that out loud. Almost so excited she wonders if there will be more than just seeing each other at Capitol parties once in a while. Perhaps every few weeks or months they'll reunite, fall back into familiar conversation and steal another dance (and maybe another kiss?). All so they don't have to make conversation with the predatory aristocrats.

But depending on that tape, all that burning excitement could fizzle out faster than a wink. Reality would send her crashing back down from the atmosphere to the unforgiving earth where her brothers, family and other skeptics warn her of the Legacy from Two. She doesn't want to be wrong. So what's worse? Being wrong now, right at the beginning where it isn't too late to turn around, or somewhere further down the road where it might take longer to retrace your steps?

With a sigh, Sage snatches the package, it crinkling in her grasp. She tears it open, mangling the packing tape and stamp along the corner. Philo's return address is ripped clean. She feels her stomach tie itself tighter at the weight of the tape in her hand. The title reads exactly what she thought it would.


Her footsteps echo through her empty house as she maneuvers from the kitchen to the living room with her water and tape in tow. The sun has slowly begun its descent into the horizon, casting a glowing amber across the sky and through the windowpanes. Warm shadows dance along the walls. Sage crouches in front of her TV, popping the tape into her Player with a satisfying click. She's just flopping into the cushions of her couch when the Panem anthem starts to play.

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