Justin's P.O.V
I look in the backseat and see Avalanna sleeping in her car seat. I smile at her as I pull into the house and park the car. I step out of the car, then go to the back seat and open the door, I unbuckle her and bring her into my arms carefully. She stirs a little bit but settles down and goes back to sleep. I smile at her and kiss her head gently before making my way inside, I unlock the front door and step inside. I take Avalanna and set her down on the couch in the living room then go into the studio that I had built into my house.....
I was working on a beat for about two hours when I hear crying coming from the living room. I get up immediately as I remember Avalanna and run into the living room to see her on the couch, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was crying and the tears were rolling down her small chubby cheeks. My heart instantly broke at the sight. "Oh baby, what's wrong? What's wrong baby girl?" I asked as I sat down beside her and brought her into my lap. "I-I th-thought you l-left me!" She cried into my shirt. My heart just kept breaking more and more. "No angle, I would never leave you. I promise. Your my new daughter and I'm gonna take care of you now. Forever and always baby. Just me and you." I whispered. She just nodded and continue to sniffle. After about five minutes, she calmed down. "You okay now angle?" I asked her gently. She nodded as her head laid against my chest. I laughed at her. "What are you doing sweetheart?" I asked her. She giggled the most cutest, most adorable giggle in the world and I couldn't help but crack a smile. "I l-listen too you heart!" She smiled and giggled. I laughed and picked her up. "Your so silly!" I said as I ticked her sides. She giggled and her ace scrunched up cutely. I stop, smile, and kiss her cheek as I stand up with her I'm my arms. "You wanna do to McDonald's?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "And afterwards we can go and do whatever you want. Yeah?" I asked as I looked at her. She smiled at me and nodded. "Yes daddy!" She said. I smiled again as we got in the car and drove to McDonald's.....
"Here you go sweetheart, sit right here." I said as I sat her down in the booth across from me and I sat down across her. I opened her box up for her, and got it ready and say it down in front of her. "T-thank y-you d-daddy!" She smiled. I smiled back. "No problem baby." I said. After a while of silence and eating and me staring at Avalanna and studying her features and personality and how lucky I am, she turns to me and ask me a question I really didn't expect her to ask. "D-daddy a-am I d-different?" She asked. I froze as I placed my Big Mac down on the bag and tried to think of the right words to say.
How do you even tell a three year old that she has Autism?

Autistic Innocence
Fanfiction(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...