Justin's P.O.V
I haven't slept at all last night. I was too scared to. Too worried. I couldn't lose my little angel, she's worth too much to me. I wish it were me in her position instead, and if I could, I would change in a heartbeat. I continued to look at my precious little girl until her eyes fluttered open. "Hey baby." I said in my raspy voice. From crying all night. "H-hey daddy." She said. Her voice seemed a little weak, and really quiet from the machines surrounding her. "Y-your eyes a-are r-red." She stated. I sniffled and nodded as I sat up in my seat. "Yeah, um, daddy was just a little scared." I whispered as I stroked her hair from her forehead with my thumb gently repeatedly. "O-of wh-what?" She asked. I sighed and shrugged. "I don't know baby, daddy's just being a big cry baby right now." I joked as I smiled small, my heart not being able to smile a real smile without breaking all over again. She giggled lightly. "I love you so much baby girl, I never want to leave you and I never want you to leave me, alright? You gotta fight whatever's fighting you sweetheart, I can't live without you in my life. Daddy needs you more than you think." I whispered, my tears coming back to my when once again. She reached her small arm up to me that had her IV stuck in her hand and wiped my tears away. I smiled at her as I leaned into her touch slightly. "No m-more crying d-daddy." She said. I laughed lightly, my silently shattering. I nodded, "Whatever you say angel." I said as I looked into her chocolate brown eyes. "D-Daddy?" She asked. "What is it baby?" I asked gently. "C-Can you p-please lay with m-me? Please?" She asked. I nodded. "Of course baby doll." I whispered as I stood up and walked around the white and grey hospital bed and laid down carefully next to her, not to get on her wires or her. I gently pulled her closer to me and kissed her head six times. "I love you so so much." I whispered. She sighed as she later in my arms. "D-daddy?" She asked again. "Yes baby?" I whispered. "If I die, I wanna die in your arms." She whispered as she played with my fingers, looking down at them occasionally while watching sponge bob on the tv we had in here. I'm glad she wasn't looking, because what she said broke me completely as I cried harder than I have that night.
All because of those nine little words put together.......
Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment and let me know what you think!
In loving memory of Avalnna Routh🙏💘💘👼...
R.I.P mrs. Bieber👰🙏🙏😔
We miss you😞😔👼🙏💘
Votes: 10
For next update

Autistic Innocence
Fiksi Penggemar(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...