Justin's P.O.V
After I recovered from the "coffee" I went upstairs and got Avalanna dressed and then I got dressed and we walked to the car. After we were both buckled in I began driving. "So where are we going baby?" I asked her as I glanced at her through the review mirror. She shrugged, "Can we just ride around daddy?" She asked. I smiled and nodded, "Anything for you princess." I said as we began driving...
"Daddy can we go there! Please?" She begged as she pointed to a downtown kind of place in whatever city we were in. Exactly, we've been driving for that long. "Of course angel." I smiled as I parked into a parking space. I brought my hood up, and sunglasses, even though it was now dark outside and the full moon lighted up the place, I had called my body guards earlier so they were following me and now they were walking with me and Avalanna. "You hungry baby girl?" I asked her. She nodded, "Where you wanna eat?" I asked her as we looked around at the different places to eat. She pointed to a diner and I nodded as we made our way over to it. She swung our connected hands as we walked and I couldn't help but smile at her. We walked in and sat down at a table in the corner, I took of my glasses since there was barley anyone in here and waited for someone to come take our order. I was tapping the table and looking around the diner, when I hear giggling. I look over and see Avalanna giggling at a cartoon playing on the tv. I smiled at her and leant over to her. "Having fun baby girl?" I whispered to her. She looked at me and nodded and I nodded back at her. "Good, cause we're gonna spend the night in the hotel about five minutes from here for a week." I smirked. Her eyes widened in excitement and she started bouncing up and down. "Really?" She asked excitedly. I laughed and nodded. She cheered and I laughed harder. When the waitress came, she smiled at us and asked us what we would like to drink, she was gorgeous. She had tan skin, curly hair, and green eyes, but she also had a tired expression on her face. Her name tag said, 'Jennifer'. After we ordered, she smiled and said she'd be back with our drinks. "I like her hair and eyes." I hear Avalanna say from beside me. I nodded. "Yeah, she's pretty right?" I asked her. She nodded and smirked at me, I gave her a weird look, wondering what she was up too but then Jennifer came back. "Here are your two chocolate Milk shakes, your burgers will be out in a little bit." She smiled at us, I smiled back and nodded. "Thank you." I said. "No problem." She replied as she walked back to the counter. About ten minutes later she came back with our burgers and fries. After another ten minutes I spoke up to Avalanna. "It's good?" I asked. She nodded as she ate some of her burger and I laughed. "You know what else is good?" I asked her. "What?" She asked. I grabbed a fry and dipper it into my chocolate shake and ate it as I looked over at her. She laughed at me and copied my actions and grabbed a fry, dipping it into her chocolate shake and ate it. "You like it?" I asked. She nodded as she continued to do it with more of her fries and so did I. We were laughing at each other when Jennifer came back with a smile on her face. "Y'all are so cute." She laughed, and I couldn't help but laugh and blush slightly. "Here's your ticket." She smiled as she handed it to me. I smiled as I paid and handed her a hundred dollar tip. She shook her head. "No, sir, I really can't take this, please-" I cut her off as we stood up. "No, keep it. Thanks for everything, I'll definitely be coming back." I winked at her as I grabbed Avalnna's hand and lead her outside. As we walked to the hotel, we passed a music store that was closed, but on the steps, I see a teenage boy drumming on some old buckets with her hands, and a toddler next to him, their clothes were worn out and their skin looked dirty. He had a old tin can on the ground that barley had three dollars in it with a couple of pennies. I looked around and saw no adults with them. I walked over to them, they looked up and the toddler giggled at me and I smiled. When the teenage boy was done with his beat, I clapped. "Your really good." I commented. "Thanks." He mumbled. "Where's your parents? It's real late." I said. He shrugged and looked away and I raised an eyebrow. "Where are your parents?" I asked again. "I gotta go." He said as he collected his stuff. "Hey, I don't want y'all walking out by yourself, there's a lot of sick people out there, just tell me where your parents are and I'll take you there." I said gently. "No thank you." He said quietly as he grabbed the little girls hand and began walking. "You don't into where they are." I stated. He paused. Silence. And then he kept waking. "Kid, I'm trying to help you, and if you don't tell me nothing, I'ma have to call child services." I threatened. He paused then turned around, he walked back over to me slowly. "What do you want to know?" He sighed. "Where are your parents." I said. He shrugged again, "Listen Kid I-" I was cut off by him. "Nah, I don't know man, they left us three years ago, we've been living on the streets for three years now, all I know is they told me watch my sister, that they were going to the store, three hours later, no return. I swear bro, that's all I know." He said. "Come on." I nodded for him to follow me and continued to walk. I look back and see him standing there. "How old are you kid?" I asked. "Fourteen." He replied. "Well, that means your not eighteen, which means your a minor, which means I can call authorities on you, unless you accept my help." I said. He took one step closer, thinking about it. "I don't bite, well go to the hotel, take a nice long shower, get some fresh clothes, and sleep all we want." I said noticing how tired all of us were. He groaned but complied and picked up his little sister and walked behind us. "What's your name?" I asked him. "Cameron," he muttered. I nodded, "What's your name sweetheart?" I asked the little girl in his arms, she giggled and looked away and I smiled lightly and looked at Cameron. "Her names Lilly, she don't talk and she's three." He said. I nodded and picked up Avalanna, "well you guys, this is Avalanna, my daughter, and I'm Justin." I introduced us as Avalanna laid her head on my shoulder. They nodded and we continued to walk in a tired silence..
This should be good....

Autistic Innocence
Fanfiction(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...