Justin's P.O.V
Three days. It's been three freakin days since she was admitted into this hospital, and I haven't left this room, too scared that something will happen to her and I don't be here. Just then there was a knock on the door and the nurse came in. She smiled at Avalanna and Avalanna smiled back slightly. "Hey sweetheart! How you feeling?" She asked her in a soft voice. "I wanna go home." Avalanna whined. I looked up at the nurse, wondering when I can take my daughter home. "You can't go home right now sweetheart I'm sorry, but you can walk around the hospital if you'd like? Or you can have your daddy push you in a wheel chair?" She asked as she looked at me. I smiled and looked back down at Avalanna who was smiling as well. "Can we daddy?" She asked hopefully. "Of course baby doll." My raspy voice spoke out. I stood up from the chair and stretched, my muscles sore from sitting in the same small sitting chair for the past three days straight. "I'll go get a wheel chair for you all." The nurse smiled as she walked out. "D-Daddy?" Avalanna whispered to me. I look at her, "Yeah baby?" I asked. "T-the d-doctor is Herron-nice and p-pretty!" She said. I laughed at her statement but couldn't agree more, the short brunette, with stunning green and hazel eyes was absolutely beautiful. "Yeah she is right? How about we go take that walk now? Yeah?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded at me. The doctor came back in and smiled, we returned the gesture and smiled back. She motioned to me, "You can watch if you'd like. Just in case you want to take her on another walk later on or something." She said as she walked over to the machines Avalanna was connected to. I stood up and followed her and stood behind her and watched carefully as she disconnected all the machines and wrapped some of them around the IV stand. When she was done she smiled. "And that's it!" She said. I smiled and thanked her, then helped Avalanna up and into the wheel chair. "I-I can w-walk da-daddy? P-please?" She asked. I thought about it then nodded and helped her down. "Come on baby, let's go." I whispered as I held her small hand in mine and the IV stand in my other one as we began walking out the room...
"L-Look at t-that d-daddy!" Avalanna squealed as she pointed out of the huge floor to ceiling windows at a statue of a golden teddy bear right at the entrance of the children's hospital. We were on the bridge part in the hospital, where there was a booth seat thing connected to the wall of the window that I was sitting on eating my subway sandwich, while Avalanna ran around. "That's cool baby!" I said as I took a bite of my sandwich. She ran over to me and opened her mouth and I placed the sandwich in and she took a bite, then ran back to where she was standing before, looking out the window. I look up at the sound of footsteps and see Avalanna's nurse walking past us. She smiled and I smiled back. "Where are you going?" I asked as I put some chips in my mouth, then handed some to Avalanna who came running up to me then back to the window. I chuckled at her lightly then saved my attention back towards the nurse. "Well Mr. Bieber, if you must know, I am on my lunch break and am on my way to the food court." She said in a fake British accent, making Avalanna giggle and me to chuckle. "Well Ms?" I asked. "Madison." She replied. "Well Ms. Madison, it so happens that I have an extra sandwich here with your name on it." I smirked. She smirked back, "Well I'm pretty sure my name isn't 'Subway' Mr. Bieber." She said referring to the logo on the side of the wrapper my sandwich was wrapped in. It was now my turn to smirk again. I got the uneaten sandwich from beside me that I had written 'Avalanna's nurse' on in black sharpie and held it up. She just laughed as she came and sat down next to me. I laughed as well, but right before I handed it to her, I grabbed the sharpie from my pocket and wrote "Madison" on it. She laughed as I handed it to her and she opened it and began to eat it. We talked and laughed and shared different stories. Avalanna ran back up to me and took a bite of the sandwich then sat in between us. We were sorta kinda like a family in that moment. Joking and laughing and all.
It's not at all like we were a huge celebrity, a small town nurse, and a little girl with a rare and incurable cancer.
We were just a three people looking past the bad and oddness of it all, and just living in the moment.
We were living for that moment.
The moment I will never forget.
The last moment when everything seemed to be absolutely perfect.
The moment that will never happen again....

Autistic Innocence
Fanfiction(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...