Justin's P.O.V
I glanced up at Cameron as we rode the subway to the mall. He was staring out the window, looking like he was lost in his own thoughts. I look over at Avalanna and see that she and Lilly are laughing with each other, I smile at the sight of them then go back to Cameron. "So what do you want from the mall?" I asked, trying to make small talk. "I don't really need nothing ." He mumbled. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah you do you don't even got a set of fresh clothes dude." I tried to reason with him. He just shook his head as he played with his fingers, staring down at them. I scratched the back of my neck, then looked back up at him. "Well when we get there, both of you are getting whatever y'all want and or need, alright?" I asked him. He just shrugged and glanced up at Lilly, checking on her, then went back to staring out the window. I sighed but leant back in my seat, and watched all three of them carefully.....
(At the mall)
"Alright just get anything y'all want and I'll pay for everything." I said as I lead them into a little kids store first for Lilly. She smiled at me and ran up to me and hugged my legs. "T-thank you Justin!" Her sweet, raspy voice squealed. We all froze, she spoke for the first time in I don't know how long. I picked her up and hugged her. "No problem princes." I whispered as I kissed her head and then set her down. Cameron looked down at her astonished, then smiled and picked her up, spinning her around making her squeal and laugh. I smile at the sight. "You talk?! So you've been holding out on me huh?" He growled playfully as he tickled her sides, making her laugh uncontrollably and making him laugh as well as he kissed her cheek then set her down. "Alright go ahead girls." I smiled at them as they smiled back before running off to go look for whatever they liked and wanted. Me and Cameron stood next to each other and smiled at the two girls who showed each other and nodded or shook their heads at the others choices. "So how long has it been since she's talked?" I asked him as I leant against the wall. He shrugged, "Way to long." He said as he smiled lightly at his little sister. He pointed to himself teasingly and I looked to were his attention was aimed at and see Avalanna on one side of the store and Lilly motioning Cameron from the other side. He laughed and made his way over to her as I chuckled at the two and make my way over to Avalanna. "Look daddy!" She said as she held up some clothes she liked. I smiled down at her. "There pretty baby girl!" I say. I look over at Cameron and Lilly and see Cameron kneeled down with her, at eye contact as she showed him different clothes by holding them up one by one. Each time he would whisper her a question and she would answer. I wondered what they were talking about and furrowed my eyebrows, but shrug it off and focus back on avalnna...
"Come on dude, just pick anything!" I encourage Cameron as we walked into a store for Cameron. He looked around nervously and slowly made his way over to they guys section and awkwardly looked around. I noticed that every girl that had walked by him or saw him would stop and stare for a while, which I think made him even more uncomfortable. He looked over to Lilly and motioned her over. She made her way to him and he leant down and asked her questions and she pointed to different things and replied. I furrow my eyebrows once again and look back to make sure that Avalnna was still with my bodyguards and see that she is. After a while I finally see that Cameron actually has clothes in his hands. Once I pay for them I tell him he can go change into an outfit. He looked at me nervously once again. "Hey what's up with you? You all right?" I asked him. He just nodded. "Yeah I just need Lilly real quick." He muttered. I gave him a confused look but nodded. Once Lilly came there was more whispering and more pointing, she handed him an outfit and he thanked her then went into the dressing room and changed into a blue long sleeve shirt, grey/white sweatpants with white socks and brown vans with a black beanie. (Outfit on top)After we all ate and did more shopping I decided that we could go back to the hotel and relax for a bit then go back out after a little bit. When we get back on the subway, both the girls were already asleep, Lilly in Cameron's arms and Avalanna in mine. "Hey I just wanted to say thanks. You know... for everything." He said as he wiped his nose. I smiled and nodded. "No problem, but can I ask you something?" I asked him. He thought about it then nodded slightly. "What were you whispering to Lilly almost every time y'all talked about clothes?" I asked him. He took in a breath but shook his head slightly. "I- it's nothing." He whispered. "Hey you know you can talk to me right? I promise I won't say anything." I said. He just shook his head and I sighed but nodded, not wanting to ruin this day...
I chuckled as I blew the paper to my straw at Cameron, and it hits him in his chest making him look up at me and laugh lightly as I smirk at him. He ripped half of his off as well and blew it at me, and it hit my face and I scrunched my face up as he laughed and I did as well. He got another one and did he same thing to Lilly who was sitting beside him and she laughed loudly at him, making him laugh as well. I copy him and do it to Avalanna who was coloring on her page and she looked at me and smiled and laughed as well. Jennifer made her way back over to us and smiled at us. "Well well well, having fun are we?" She smirked playfully. I nodded up at her and smiled and she returned it. "So y'all ready to order?" She asked us, tearing her gaze away from mine and looked around the table at everybody. We all ordered a burger with fries and she soon left to take our order down to the cook. Avalanna had taken one of those pamphlets from the hotel lobby and it was he one with colors and the person had to name it, it tests if you know your colors and your brain cells by asking what color is the shape or the circle surrounding the shape. "What color is the two daddy?" She asked me. Once I found it I smile and say green, which was the color of it. She smiled and nodded. "What color is the 'A' Lilly?" She asked her as she pointed to a small colorful puzzle where you had to find the 'A' and then say what color it was. It took her a while to find it but once she did she said, "red!" And Avalanna smiled and nodded. She soon found another puzzle. "What color is the six?" She asked Cameron. He looked kind of nervous and I furrows my eyebrows for what felt like the millionth time that day. "Uhhh blue?" He asked. My forehead creased as I looked at the six. It was pink. "This one right here." Avalanna said as she pointed to the six, knowing her had got it wrong. He looked at it, studying it with everything in him, squinting his eyes. "Can I see this?" I asked Avalanna as I gently took the thing out of her hands as she nodded. I flipped through it then stop when I get to a paragraph with small typing. "Hey can you read the first sentence?" I asked him.
He read it with no trouble.
I nodded then pointed to a bigger paragraph. Again, no trouble. I thought about it then turn to the first page of the pamphlet, the easiest one of all time. "What color is this circle?" I asked him. The circle was a dark orange. "Green?" He asked. I licked my lips and nodded to myself and set it down in front of me.
"You're color blind aren't you?"

Autistic Innocence
Fanfiction(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...