(Justin Bieber Version)
Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...
"Daddy can we go see the princesses now?" I ask him as we walk inside the small circle of bodyguards. He looks down at me and nods, smiling. "Of course baby girl, but first we're gonna let Lilly go on a couple of rides with Cameron, okay?" He asks me. I sigh but nod quietly in return. I feel like daddy is paying more attention to Lilly than to me and I don't like it.. I like Lilly and Cameron though I just miss my daddy. We don't even share the same hotel bed anymore because Lilly sleeps with him now and I sleep with Cameron. After the longest time of Cameron and Lilly waiting in the longest lines and then a actually riding them, we were all hungry. "What do you wanna eat munchkin?" Daddy asked Lilly, who was now holding his hand and leaving me and Cameron following behind them. I remember when he used to ask me that. "Ouu can we eat there daddy?!" I point to the princess restaurant. "We can eat there tomorrow baby, let Lilly pick today." He says to me. I sigh and Cameron lightly taps my shoulder. I look up at him and he smiles reassuringly. "It's okay kid, tomorrow you get to pick everything we do." He picks me up and places me on his shoulders quickly, making me giggle and place my hands in his hair to balance myself. We walk into the Mickey Mouse diner that Lilly picks and find a seat in the back of the restaurant.
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Cameron places me off of his shoulders and into the booth and sits next to me while daddy and Lilly sit together across from us. After ordering and talking for a bit, our food arrives and we begin eating. "And after this we go see the princesses?!" I ask daddy excitedly. He chuckles and nods. "Yes princess, we go see the princesses." "Lilly? Why aren't you eating?" Cameron asks. We all look and see her plate still full with all her food. She just groans and clutched her tummy. "Icky," she then begins to cry and reaches for Cameron. He reaches over the table and brings her into his chest. "Your tummy hurts baby?" He asks. She nods as she fists his shirt and I watch as tears stream down her face. I feel bad that she felt yucky because she wanted to come her with me too. "Okay, I think we need to call it a day you guys." Daddy gives Lilly a concerned look. "What? B-but daddy w-we need to go to the p-princesses!" I stammer. He sighs, "We will baby, just not today. I promise we won't leave until we take you to go see the princesses." He pays for our bill and grabs Lilly from Cameron's arms and telling the security guards that we were gonna have to cut the trip short and go back to the hotel resort. I frown as Cameron takes my hand in his and leads me out behind daddy and Lilly. I just sighed. All I wanted was to see the princesses...
(That night)
"It's okay sweetheart, you'll feel better soon." Daddy coos as he kisses Lilly's cheek and lays beside her on their bed. I watch him from my spot on mine and Cameron's bed that was right next to theirs. "Daddy you have to give me cuddles." I remind him. "Not right now Avalanna, let me take care of Lilly first." He says. I couldn't even cuddle into Cameron at that point because he was in the shower. "But d-daddy." I refused to let the tears fall from my already watering eyes. "Avalanna I said not right now, you're just gonna have to wait until I'm done taking care of Lilly." He says harshly, still not even glancing at me. That was it. My tears rush down my cheeks and I take in a quiet, shaky breath. "O-okay." I whisper quietly and burry myself under the blankets.
I guess daddy doesn't love me anymore...
Sorry it's short, hopefully the next chapter will be better! Anyways I just made a new story, "Cold Hearted" and it's a Justin Bieber daddy fanfic (of course) and in the story, Justin is a CEO of two companies, is raising two twin daughters on his own, and Selena Gomez also is one of the most important characters (No hate towards her because I'm actually a fan) so please do me a favor and check it out? Thanks!