Chapter Four

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Warning: Read at own risk! Sadness and hate(towards me) may occur!

Justin's P.O.V

I can't believe this. My daughter is in the hospital. This is her third day and she's already in the hospital. It's only been three days but she already means the world to me, she was already my weakness and soft spot and she already had me wrapped around her little finger. I sat there, in the waiting room, with my head in my hands and my foot shaking up and down. A nervous habit. I've been her for two and a half hours and I haven't spoken to a doctor yet. Finally a doctor stepped out of Avalanna's room. I immediately jumped up from my seat and rushed over to him. She gave me a sympathetic look and my whole world came down. "What's wrong with my daughter?" I asked quietly. She motioned for me to sit down on the chair I had become sick of sitting down on, but right now I didn't mind. My knees were already shaking and I felt like I was going to collapse any minute. I sat down and she pulled another chair in front of me and sat down as well. "I am so so sorry Mr. Bieber, your daughter Avalanna... She doesn't have autism." She said. There was a feeling in me. Happy? I don't know but I felt a little better knowing she didn't have austism, but then I felt so much worse when I remember that I'm in the hospital for her. "W-what's wrong w-with my d-daughter?" I asked once again, my voice shaking. The sadness never left her face. "Your daughter has Central Nervous System Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor." She said. I was confused. "W-what's that? Is she okay?" I asked. The nurse shook her head and wiped a tear that fell from her face, and I knew that my daughter, my angel, my baby, my world, my joy, was not okay at all. The words that fell from her mouth next literally were enough to break me. And they did.

"It's a rare and incurable cancer."


Omg please don't hate me! I kinda hated myself while j was writing this! This chapter was so hard to write because it's the actual brain tumor/ cancer that Avalanna had. Please vote and comment what you think!


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