Justin's P.O.V
"Umm... Oh look baby!" I changed the subject as I pointed out the window we were siting next to, to a plane flying in the night sky. Avalanna looked and her eyes shined with amazement as she stared at the plane. "L-look i-it d-daddy! I-it's a p-plane!" She said excitedly. I smiled and laughed. I nodded at her. "Yeah baby doll it is." I smiled. "C-can we g-go on a p-plane d-dad-daddy?" She asked me with wide, innocent eyes. I smiled at her. "Sure baby, but when your a little older, yeah?" I asked her. She smiled at me and nodded. We continued to eat our food. "So where do you wanna go or do baby?" I asked her after about two minutes. She shrugged cutely. "I d-don't k-know d-daddy." She said as she looked at me.
"How about we go home, get nice and clean with a bath, and then we watch a movie together since it's already getting late?" I asked. She smiled and nodded. "W-what m-movie?" She asked. "How about lion king?" I asked. She clapped her hands and cheered. And can I just say two words: cuteness overload......"And then daddy kisses his little princess." I said in a silly voice as I attacked her cute chubby cheeks with tiny kisses. She squealed and giggled, making my heart melt. "T-then w-what?" She asks as I sit down on the couch with her and set her in my lap with the pop corn bowl beside us as we got ready to play the movie. "And then daddy and his little princess cuddle!" I cheer as I start to cuddle her making her giggle once again. "I love your little giggle princess." I smiled as I kiss her head. "T-thank y-you daddy!" She said quietly as the movie began. I stopped talking but continued to cuddle her as we started watching the movie and eating popcorn. I put some popcorn in her mouth and she ate it, too into the movie to notice. So that's how we ended up watching the movie, cuddling and me feeding popcorn to her by hand and myself.....
I wake up to shaking next to me, I look down in my arms to see that we fell asleep in the movie room, cuddling and that Avalanna was shaking in my arms. I start to worry because I didn't know what was happening. "Baby? Baby wake up angel. Wake up baby doll. Your scaring daddy." I said frantically. She woke up but she was still shaking. One eye was still closed though and it looked like she was trying to open it. Her one eye that was open was filled with pain and fear. "D-dad-daddy! H-help m-me! W-what's h-happening?" She whimpered as tears streamed down her face. "Oh my God." I muttered. "Ok baby daddy is gonna take you to the hospital so they can make you better oaky?" I asked frantically as I slipped on my sneakers and picked her up in my arms. Her small body was trembling in my arms. I wrapped her up in my jacket and grabbed my phone and keys and ran out to the car with her. I started the car and to my luck the car wouldn't start. "Unbelievable." I muttered as I looked in the review mirror to see Avalanna shaking even more violently now. I didn't waste any time running to her and grabbing her in my arm before running to the hospital myself. (I was thinking of The Game Plan when I wrote this) when we got there i started screaming for them to get my daughter into a room. They immediately came and I set her in a gurney. She was sweating and her eye was unfocused. She made grabby hands towards me and I went to pick her up but the doctors held me back while they wheeled my daughter to the emergency room and told me to wait in the waiting room. And let me just tell you one thing. Hearing your three year old daughter yelling for daddy and you not being able to hold her in your arms
Is the worst feeling you could ever feel......

Autistic Innocence
Fanfiction(Justin Bieber Version) Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...