(Justin Bieber Version)
Justin Bieber has been getting in trouble lately, has been having relationship problems with his girlfriend(s) and just doesn't know what to do anymore. He decides that he wants someone in his life that will actually stay...
"Bro! Can I get a tattoo?" Dallas pats my shoulder as I pull up to a gas station and begin to unbuckle my seatbelt. I look back at him as if he were crazy, which he is if he thinks he's getting a tattoo. "Um, let me think about it... Yea- no." I smile sarcastically at him as I open my door after popping the tank open, then swiping my credit card and grabbing the pump and begin to fill the car up. I whistle to myself and then tap on the window for Dallas and nod towards the gas station. He groaned but grabbed the girls and got them in their shoes before stepping out the other side of the car and walking over to me. I laugh at his face before ruffling his hair. "Chill out dude, do me a favor and take the girls inside to use the bathroom, I'll be in there in a minute so just wait in there for me." I say. He glares at me, "Well don't forget me this time!" He shouts as he grabs Avalanna's hand and begin walking into the drug store. I shake my head and chuckle and slightly jump when I feel a tug on my leg. I look down to see Lilly and I smile down at her before ruffling her hair as well. "Hey princess, did you sleep good?" I asked as she latches onto my leg sleepily. I laugh and place my hand at the back of her head and rubbing gently. She shrugs and I shake my head slightly and chuckle as I take the gas pump out and place it back onto the hook before closing the tank and bending down to pick her up and into my arms. I began to walk inside the drug store and once I get inside, go straight to the restrooms. "Okay Princess Lilly, you go in there with Avalanna and I'll be really quick to use the bathroom. When you get out me or Cameron should be out here, alright?" I ask her. She nods and walks into the bathroom and I walk into the men's. When I get out I see all three of the kids in the candy isle and I walk up to them. "Y'all ready to go? About a day and a half left of this trip before we get there!" I cheer sarcastically making the girls giggle and Cameron to roll his eyes playfully before they all pick out some candy and chips and a soda and I pay for it before walking back to my car. We pile in and buckle the girls up before actually driving off. I glance at Cameron after a while of him actually being quiet and see him drawing on his arm with an ink pen. I furrow my eyebrows then turn my attention back to the road. "You can draw all you want, you're too young for a tattoo dude." I break the silence. He sighs loudly and I shake my head at him being a drama queen. "I'll tell you what, if you can prove that you won't be such a problem child, troubled teenager," I joke, "I'll let you get a tattoo when your sixteen or seventeen." I say. "For real?" He asks, eyes wide in shock. I nod, my attention still on the road in front of me. "Yup, I got my first tattoo when I was pretty young so I don't see why you can't, it's gotta be a small one though." I added. He just nods happily and goes back to typing on his phone. "Dude, who do you even text?" I asked him after a while. He looks up at me, his eyebrows furrows in confusion.
"I'm playing flappy bird?"
(Skip the rest of the trip, two days later)
"Okay okay, calm down." I chuckle at Avalanna as I place her jacket on her and kiss her cheek. Her and Lilly were extremely excited since today was the day we were doing to Disney world. When we get downstairs and stand outside, waiting for my security to pull up, when he does he pulls up in a black van but says we can't get in just yet. I jus sighed but nod. "Why are you dressed in your pajamas?" Lilly asked me curiously. I playfully gasp, "They are not pajamas! But princess Lilly, I am wearing these very comfy clothes because they are comfy and hopefully won't draw attention to us." I tell her. She just gives me a weird look, "Whatever you say juju!" She giggles when I swipe her into my arms and tickle her stomach, holding her upside down, her pink backpack lightly hitting my legs since she was still clinging to it. "Okay okay I take it back!" She giggles. "That's what I thought." I playfully glare at her. "But now you have to give me a kiss to say your sorry." I pout and point to my cheek. She giggles before kissing my cheek and I chuckle and kiss her's in return.
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"Okay let's get this nightmare- I mean fun day, over with!" I 'accidentally' slip up and smile innocently at the girls who cutely glare at me. I kiss Avalanna's cheek as I buckle her in and ruffle Cameron's hair once he sits next to me, one my security guards driving with Kenny in the passengers seat.