Ep 2

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Next morning. It was a holiday so me and eunha thought to hang out.

"What happened to you? You are lost somewhere since yesterday" Eunha asked

"Just nothing! I wonder am I really in love with jungkook?" She widened her eyes

"Why are you asking this question to me?"

"Because I am confused. I feel like I really love him but at the same time I don't understand why but I feel like to have taehyung by my side. He always refuses to talk about him. Do you know why do they hate each other?"

She shrugged.

"Why do you care? Even if you don't love jungkook, then there are alot of boys in the whole world" Eunha said. I thought for a second and nodded.

"Well I have to go to market with my mom. Bye bye" I bided her a bye. Then went to my house.

"Y/n you came really early?" Mom said. "Yah eunha had to go to market with her mom". " Oh so now you are back, help me with work". I widened my eyes, "mom I need to do my homework, bye bye" I ran to my room.

I was doing homework when my phone started ringing. I saw the caller id. It was 'Jungkook'. I picked it up.

"Hello" I said

"Y/n I need you here at my house now" He said in a panic voice

"Why?" But he cuts the call.

Strange. Ugh! Now I have to go to his house. God save me! He isn't going to bully me again?!

(Author: just go
Y/n: what if he asks me to massage his legs or shoulders??
Author: you think too much just do what he is saying
Y/n: fine)

Author's pov
She changed her clothes and directly went to his house. She rang the door bell. He opened it. Seems like he was in a hurry.

"Thanks for coming y/n, come in" He said in a hurry, she came inside and was astonished seeing his house. 

"It's my first time to see his house from inside

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"It's my first time to see his house from inside. Well I have seen his house multiple times from outside because of taehyung, as his house is also in the same way. Talking of tae, so i haven't talked with him for two weeks now. I am worried for him if he is fine or not" Y/n thought making a sad face. Jungkook turned to see her.

"Hey why are you sulking? Don't worry, I won't hurt you" Saying this he winked, she widened her eyes.

"Now come on, this way"

He took her to a large room, there were only paintings and canvases, paints and all. It seemed like an artist's room or an art studio.

"Y/n you are one of the best painters of school, and i really need your help"

"In what?"

"You know the national painting contest is coming up in which our school is participating? (She nodded) and mina is my partner but see what she drew"

She looked at it carefully and then looked at him and tried to control her laugh.

"See what she drew. And she is so clingy. Ugh I hate her"

"But I thought you like girls clinging on you"

"Look I don't cling with them, they are the ones who cling on me"

"Really?? You don't cling on them? But everyday you just stick with a new girl. On our first day after vacations, you were eating lunch with a new girl"

He came closer to her "so you always look at the girls who are with me. Huh! You like me right?" He smirked. She became nervous. "No I don't like you". " Good, because there's someone, who likes you". With confusion, she looked at him and asked "who?". He looked at her and chuckled "you will get to know soon" Saying this, he winked at her.

"Stop winking, I don't like it"

"Why? I thought you like me"

She glared him, "did you called me here to know whom do i like?"

He shook his head. "Actually no, but i thought to ask you. Well what do you think about tae hyung?"

"Hyung? I thought you guys hate each other"

"Yah I meant to say taehyung, do you have any feelings for him?"

She shook her head, he clenches his fist but calmed himself down.

"Well please can you be my partner in this contest?"

"But how can I replace mina?"

"Don't worry I will talk with her. I really wanna win this contest, because there's someone who always wanted me to win this. And finally I have gotten a chance, I don't wanna miss this. Please y/n, I think I will lose this contest if mina will be my partner. Please become my partner, I .................... Promise I won't bully you again "

She was shocked. "I didn't knew this contest is so important for him that he is begging me to be his partner. Well y/n you have a chance to get rid of his bullying" She thought.

"Okay then. I will be your partner, even though you have always hated me and bullied me still it seems like this prize is really important for you so I am ready for it" He got extremely happy and pulled her into a hug. She was shocked by his sudden action. He broke the hug and held her hands. She got a pink tint in her cheeks.

"Thank you so much y/n for agreeing to it. I promise, if you ever need me in any situation, I will always be there for you" She became extremely happy listening to him, but didn't showed her happiness, just showed a slight smile.

"Okay let's start" She nodded.

To be continued....

Maybe this is the beginning of a new friendship. 

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