Ep 18

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?? Pov
I looked at my phone for the location, if I was at the right address until I saw someone. And I saw her through the transparent door. She was coming towards me. I have to hide before she sees me. I don't want her to see me.

It's the wedding day. Today everything will be changed. Before this wedding happens, I want to tell her how much I love her. I decided to find her room until I heard my name.


I turned around to see Jimin. "Taehyungie, you are really here?" He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"Bro when did you came back?"

"Just yesterday"

"And you didn't even told me. Let's meet others"

"Ah not jungkook and y/n"

"Why not? Do you still hate jungkook?"

"It's not that. He threatened me that if he saw me here than he will kick me out. Well that was because I refused to come here."

"And y/n?"

"I want to tell her something"

"Are you going to confess her today?" He said with excitement. I looked at him in confusion and nodded.

"Okay can you meet Namjoon and hoseok?"

I nodded.

We both went to a room. I saw namjoon and hoseok who turned towards us. "Taehyungie?" They both came and hugged me, I hugged them back.

"Omg you got more handsome" Namjoon said making me giggle

"Namjoon, I was already handsome" I said while flipping my hair.

"Yes yes of course. Did you met others? Y/n and jungkook?"

My face dropped listening their names. "I don't wanna meet them right now"

"Yea because he is scared of jungkook." Jimin said while laughing.

"It's ok taehyungie, we all are scared of him" Hoseok patted my shoulder, I looked at him in confusion.


"Because he has become a muscle monster. Seriously guys he is the youngest among all of us and is getting married first" Namjoon said. I giggled listening to him.

"Taehyung?" I heard a familiar voice, I turned to find Eunha. I hugged her, she hugged me back.

"Oh god you are finally here. Means y/n's wishes came true" I was startled listening to her. She wished for me to be here.

"Did you met her? I bet you won't be able to take your eyes off from her"

What? Now I can't wait to see her. I immediately left the room. Others laughed seeing my impatience. While walking, I bumped into someone. "Oh I am sorry" I didn't saw the person but he stopped me.

"Hyung?" I looked at the person to find jungkook. I gulped seeing him and moved back.

"Look before you kill me, let me explain" Before I could say ahead, he engulfed me into a hug.

He looked at me and his expression changed. "What happened kook?"

"Why did you came here? You refused to come right?"

I saw him getting angry and I was all ready to run. When he was about to attack me, I ran from there. He chased me and I saw a door opened. I went inside the room and closed the door. I took a breath of relief until I heard a voice. I was startled by the voice.

"Tae?" I turned to find y/n. She was looking so breathtaking. I looked at her from top to bottom. But why was she wearing this color? I went towards her. She opened her mouth to speak but I kept my finger on her lips, shushing her.

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