Ep 5

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I was eating my lunch while in a deep thought, sitting alone rather to sit with two guys who keep on fighting with each other. Jimin and eunha didn't asked me why am I sitting alone because they know why. I saw students whispering and looking at me. They have been doing this for months since the hearthrobs of the school just wander around me like they are my slave. Ugh! I hate this.

"Are you gonna sit like this for the end of the year?" Jimin asked me. I looked at him, "until I get rid of these two idiots". Eunha came and sat beside me, "I don't think it's going to happen". I looked at her, "and why not?". Jimin sat in front of us, "because they are totally in love with you". I widened my eyes, "Love? It's seriously a worst joke jimin". They both rolled their eyes, "you seriously haven't realised it yet?". I got confused, "what do you mean?", eunha held my hand, "look y/n, what do you think why these students gossip about you?". I replied, "because they both wander around me all the time?". "That's one point, but the main point is that they all know that jungkook and taehyung are in love with you"..  I tried to process what they said and widened my eyes and mouth and looked at my friends, they nodded, then at the boys who were already looking at me. I immediately shifted my gaze at my friends. "So you both means they are trying to impress me?". I looked at them and they both nodded.

I got up from my seat. "Now where are you going?" Jimin asked. "Going to my class because I am already fed up because of these two now because of your jokes. Bye". "She seriously think this is all a joke" Eunha said which I heard. But I just ignored her and went to my classroom. I sat on my seat, still thinking about what jimin and eunha said. Are they both really in love with me? But how and why? Wait a sec, this can be helpful for the contest. Why don't I use it as my topic? One girl walking between two guys. One boy with curly black hair while another one with straight brown hair. Great! But should I tell this to jungkook?

My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher.

Time skip after school
I walked back to home ignoring those two.


One day in jimin's house.

"Jimin, I need to know some thing maybe you would know because I asked hoseok and Namjoon but they said they know nothing" Y/n said to jimin. "What do you want to know?" He asked. She cleared her throat and spoke, "I need to know about jungkook and taehyung's past. Because somewhere I think they both were friends before and now hate each other". Jimin looked at her and sighed, "yes you are right, they both were friends more like brothers before but all of a sudden they started hating each other. I have known them since childhood."


"Taehyungie you know we have a new neighbor" A 5 year old boy said to the same age taehyung. "Yes I heard it from mommy jiminie". "So let's go to their house to meet them?" Jimin said. "I need to ask my mom". Saying this taehyung ran inside his house. "Mommy can I please go to the neighbor?" He asked cutely to his mom. "Yes sure taetae". He gave his cute boxy smile and ran outside with jimin. They both reached the nearby house and rang the door bell. A cute little boy with his big doe eyes opened the door. "Yez (yes)?" He asked cutely. "Hello, we are your new neighbors. I am kim taehyung and he is park jimin", Tae said cutely. "What ij yourl name?" Jimin asked the little boy. "I am Jeon jungkook"

After 4 years, all three boys were now 9. "Yay I again won" Jungkook jumped in happiness as he won in racing while other two made faces. "I swear you can even win Olympics jungkook" Jimin said jokingly. "Hehe" Jungkook laughed cutely. Taehyung and jimin too laughed.

After more 4 years, now they were all 13. "Hyungie let's eat pancakes together" Jungkook said to tae, "no I am not hungry" Tae said and ignored him. Jungkook felt bad but felt like he wasn't hungry.
"Tae let's play something" Jimin said, tae agreed and they both ran outside. Jungkook didn't liked it as he too asked Tae a few mins ago and he refused to play saying he is not well and now went to play with jimin.

One day. Jungkook was sitting alone in his classroom when a girl entered the class. "Hello" She said to jungkook who was weeping quietly. "Hey why are you crying?" She said to him. "Just nothing, it's noyb" She sat in front of him, "now what's noyb?" He looked at her with expressionless face. "None of your business". "But I just asked the meaning of noyb, why are you being rude?" He was done with her, "will you please leave me alone?" She folded her hands, "sorry but that's not going to happen. First tell me why are you sitting here alone and also getting rude?". He yelled at her, "I TOLD YOU IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS". She got scared seeing him, "uh I am sorry I didn't mean to yell at you". She started weeping, "no you meant it." "Uh I am sorry". "I will only forgive you when you will tell me your name". He looked at her and knew she won't give up, "I am jungkook, jeon jungkook". She forwarded her hand, "I am y/n, Kang Y/N". She said while smiling, he too smiled and shaked his hands with her.

Little did they know taehyung was watching them. "Jimin I need to tell you something" Tae said to jimin who was busy in eating. "Yes what?" "I am in love" Listening to him, jimin started coughing. "What??" "Yes you heard it right, I am in love", "but with whom?" "Y/N" Jimin splitted the water out of his mouth, "WHAT!? Y/N, KANG Y/N??" all of a sudden, y/n came, "did you called me jiminah?" He widened his eyes, "no no I didn't called you. Why do you always feel like I am calling you? Huh! Wait a min, do you like me??" Jimin asked while smirking. "Nope who likes people like you shorty" She said while smirking, his smirk fell "excuse me I am taller than you". "See who is saying" She said jokingly. He glared her, "KANG Y/N" He yelled, she ran from there.

After a few more months, y/n came to jimin and tae, "hey guys I need to tell you something". "What is it?" Jimin asked. "I am in love". They both started coughing, looking at each other and then at her who was wildly smiling. "Who?" Tae asked while being scared. "It's that shy boy" She said while looking at someone. They both too turned to find, "Jungkook" Tae whispered and felt heart broken. "I I need to go to the restroom" Saying this, Tae went from there. Jimin tried to stop him, y/n sat there looking at jungkook dreamily.

In the restroom, Tae looked at the mirror with tearful eyes. Jimin too came inside. "Taehyungie are you ok?" "How can I be? I love a girl but she loves my friend. How can you expect me to be ok?" Jimin looked down sadly, "but you have to give up on her. You have always considered him as your own brother. Don't you want his happiness?" Tae turned to jimin with a stern expression, "he doesn't know it yet that y/n likes him. And I will make sure he would never get to know about it. I will make sure y/n forgets her feelings for him. I will never let them date each other" Tae said with a smirk. "Tae what are you saying? Don't say you are going to do something bad? They both are your friends". "Yea and they deserve to be just friends. Not more than that, y/n is only mine." Saying this, he went outside.


Y/n sat quietly listening to the story which jimin told her. "So it means I am the cause of their fight (jimin nodded) why I am always the cause of everything? Tae liked me and he didn't wanted me to be with jungkook that's why he distanced himself from jungkook and behaved rudely with him. Due to this because I was the cause jungkook started bullying me to hide his emotions. Great! Just wow!" She said sarcastically and got up from her seat. "Now where are you going?" Jimin asked. "Home, mom asked me to buy some things from grocery store". Saying this she went from there.

To be continued....

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