Ep 15

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Time skip. To the last day of y/n in Canada.

"So we have our next show next month in Seoul" Y/N said in the meeting. Everyone nodded. "We just need to fix the dates."

"We will do it later. Meeting dismissed" Taehyung spoke and got up from his seat and went to his cabin. She found his behavior strange but jerked her thoughts away and went towards Suho.

"Mr Suho, I wanted to tell you something"

"Yes Ms Y/N?"

"Actually there's an event in the first two weeks of next month and i have to be there because it's family event that's why."

"It's fine Ms Y/N. We will confirm dates with you"

She smiled and nodded.


Taehyung's pov
She's really going to marry him. How can she do that? I thought jungkook doesn't like her anymore? I thought they moved on. Then why did she said that day that she doesn't like him? Was that just to stop me? Was that a lie? I always knew they both were a big liers. I hate them.

I punched in the wall, my eyes getting watery. Why you never noticed how much I loved you? You just noticed that jungkook's feelings. You noticed that he missed me but you never saw in my eyes. You came close to me, played with my feelings. I hate you y/n, I hate you.

"Tae?" I heard her voice. I wiped my tears and turned to her. "What are you doing here?" I said in a cold tone.

"What happened to you suddenly?" She asked. She's asking like she doesn't know. How much you will act, y/n? Like how much? Please stop acting, I hate this.

"Tae, what happened? You look disturbed?" She's just testing my patience.

"Y/n, please tell why you came here?" I tried to say in a calm tone.

"Oh actually. Can we hang out? Since I am going tomorrow. Well you must be coming to Jungkook's marriage right? He told me that he is going to invite you. I thought maybe I can give him a surprise by taking you too-" I cut her off.

"I am not coming" She looked at me.

"Why not? Jungkook is your best friend right? You won't come to his wedding?" Best friend my foot. He snatched my love from me.

"I don't want to come and now just go from here"

"Won't you hang out?" I looked at her and she again made her puppy eyes. She knows how to make me agree. I sighed and nodded. She jumped in happiness.

"Okay then. I will go and change my clothes. And you too. If I saw you in suit then don't dare to talk to me" I nodded. She went outside. I sighed.


Y/N's pov
What should I wear?
I noticed Tae was somewhere disturbed. What happened to him?
Let's lighten up his mood before going back. But will he really not come to the wedding? I wanted to propose him there and after. And also wanted to show my dress for the wedding as it's his favourite color.

Forget it.

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