Ep 11

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I went to sleep until I got a message from the company.

The meeting is been postponed to Monday means after 4 days, due to Mr Kim's sudden injury.
Sorry for inconvenience.

I made a sarcastic upset face. So sad, Mr Kim got injured. Was it my fault? Of course not. It was obviously him. I already warned him to leave me but he took that warning as a joke. Hm. Let's go to sleep, I am so sleepy 🥱


"Heyyyy Y/N!!!" Jungkook shouted in the call.

"Yahhh You JEON JUNGKOOK!! You disturbed my sleep" I murmured

"Shut up. My marriage is fixed"

"Oh so when is it?"

"So since you are there at Canada for one month and I obviously want you here so we have fixed the marriage date next month. How's the idea?"

"Oh good good" I mumbled, almost asleep.

"Hey did you heard? MY MARRIAGE IS FIXED FOR NEXT MONTH" He again shouted

"Yah first that Taehyung and now you. What the hell is wrong with you both??" Then I realized what I said.

"Wait! Did you just said 'Taehyung'?"

"No no not Taehyung, actually..... Taeyong. Yes Taeyong. He is a friend of mine here in Canada. And he is so irritating"

"Oh okk. I don't know why but I thought you said Taehyung. Anyways, I am actually thinking to invite him too in my wedding. You want me to call him?"

"Wait, you have his number??"

"Yes, I already have it. I have been in contact with him for these 6 years"

"Jeon Jungkook, I guess before your wedding, Yerin will become a widow"

"What are you saying?"


"Ahh stopp shouting. I need to go bye"

He cut the call. Seriously. I again fell on my bed.


Time skip to Monday.
(Your author is so lazy 😪)

My outfit.

I entered the office, everyone bowed and greeted me

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I entered the office, everyone bowed and greeted me. I too did the same. I decided to meet Suho.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where is Secretary Suho?" I asked the receptionist

"Ma'am he must be in Mr Kim's cabin"

I smiled and nodded. Seriously duh! Now I have to see his face at morning. Argh!

I knocked at the door.

"Who is it?" I heard his deep voice.

"Mr Kim, is Secretary Suho here?" I asked in a calm but sweet voice.

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