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"Taeeeee" Y/n shouted at taehyung who was resting on the couch. "What happened?"

"What happened my foot! You ate all the strawberries. I bought them especially for Do-yun and you ate them all. Now what should I make for his lunch??"

"Y/n, please calm down. I will buy more don't worry"

"No way I am trusting you in this. What if you ate them in the middle way?"

"Baby trust me"

"Your baby gone to hell. Shut up"

He gulped seeing his wife's anger. Do yun came to the living room, rubbing his eyes.

"What happened mom and dad?" He said while half asleep

"Oh nothing do yun. I am sorry baby but I can't make your strawberry pancakes today. Will you rather take Tteok-bokki?" Y/n said

"But why not?? Yesterday we both went to buy so many strawberries. Mommy I promised my friends that I will bring strawberry pancakes for us." He cried

"Baby please don't cry. You know your father, he ate all the strawberries" She said while gritting her teeth and glaring at him.

"Do yun baby, please forgive your dad" Taehyung said but he too glared at him.

"Ok fine. I can eat Tteok-bokki" He said, sounded like an order and went back to his room. Y/n turned towards Tae, "he is a complete copy of you" Saying this she went to kitchen. Tae sighed seeing his wife and son.

After dropping Do yun to school, y/n came back home to see him still wandering around. "Won't you go to office??" She asked, "when you will go, I would also go" He replied. She hummed and went to the bedroom. He too followed her and grabbed her waist from behind.

"Tae what are you doing?" She asked him worried. "Are you still angry from me?" He asked her, "not much. Now leave me". He held her more tightly, "you know I was thinking should we go to Canada for Do yun's vacations? You know Lisa is literally eating my head and asking me 1000 times to come there"

She smiled and looked at him, "hmm sure. Now go and change. We have to go office" She pushed him and was about to go but he grabbed her wrist and pecked her lips. She looked at him in shock, he winked at her and went from there.


Taehyung and y/n finally reunited.

Even though she has to live alone in Seoul for some years, as he worked in Canada to come back..
Finally he was able to built his own company in Seoul, and handed his Canadian company to Suho. His company has become one of the top companies in South Korea.

After again becoming a successful CEO, he and y/n married and had a boy child named Do yun.

Yerin and Jungkook too had a girl child. Lisa and Bambam, Eunha and Jimin, Tzuyu and Namjoon too got married. Irene and Hoseok are still dating but not married to focus on their careers.

And everything is going normal. Everyone is happy ever after... 😄

A/N: omg finally my story is completed 😭😭😭 thank you everyone for supporting my story.. 💜🫂

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