Ep 6

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I went to jungkook's house and rang the door bell. He opened the door. "Oh hi y/n" "Hi jungkook" "Come in". I went inside with him, he took me to his room. "Your room is beautiful", "thanks". He sat on the bed, "your purpose for the sudden visit?". "Hm I want to tell you something". "What is it?" "I will help you to reunite with tae". He looked at me with widened eyes, " Wha..what?" "Yes I will help yo-" Before I could complete he hugged me. "Thank you thank you so much y/n, I love you" I was shocked listening this, he broke the hug "I mean to say I love you as a friend, ya as a friend" I nodded.

After talking for 3 hrs straight, I decided to go home. While walking, I was thinking about how will i unite them? It's a difficult task well. I went to hobi's house. "Hi y/n, what made you come here?" He said while opening the door. "I need your help, will you help me?" I asked with my puppy eyes. "Of course y/n come in". We both walked inside. He took my to the living room. "So what can i do?" "Look hoseok, I asked jimin about tae and jungkook and now I need your help in uniting them." "In uniting them?" He asked in confusion, "yes we have to unite them. You don't know, I asked jimin about it and he told me that they both were brother like friends since childhood but now they hate each other. But from inside they still care for each other. And i have promised jungkook that i will help him to unite with tae because he really miss him. So will you help me?" He thought for a min, I looked at him with curiosity. "Okay I will help you" I became extremely happy, "thank you sooo much hoseok. It will help alot". Saying this, I went from there to my house.


I was walking on the corridor.. Thinking how to unite them when an idea stuck my mind. I decided to tell this to everyone after school. I messaged them (namjoon, hobi, jimin, eunha, jungkook) to meet at my house.

At my house, "so what's the plan?" Eunha asked. "A trip" I said in happiness+excitement. "Trip?" They all asked together in unison. "Yes trip. But place you all will decide. We all will go. How's it?" "It's good, but where will we go?" Jimin asked which is really annoying me now. "Look I already told you all about the plan, can't you guys decide the place? If you all will ask these many questions then I will cancel the plan" Saying this I folded my arms and turned my face.

"Okay okay don't be angry. It's a nice plan. What say guys?" Hoseok said. "Okay but still we shouldn't go somewhere far right?" Eunha asked. "Obvio, our exams are also coming soon. We need to prepare for that" Namjoon said. "That's right" Jungkook said. "Are you guys done?" Me and jimin asked getting bored.

After discussing for half an hour, finally the place was decided. "We have decided to go to camping and hiking since we all love it. Is it ok with you Miss y/n" Jimin said, I nodded sarcastically, don't get me wrong I actually liked the idea. "So when will we go?" Eunha asked. I stood up and said "We will go after two days". They all nodded.


"Hey tae" I said to him who was sitting in the canteen. "What?" He said uninterested, "we are going on hiking, will you come with us?" He looked at me with a little bit of excitement, "who is this us?" I cleared my throat, "everyone" He rolled his eyes, "and what is this 'everyone'?" I sighed, "everyone means, me, eunha, jimin, hoseok, and namjoon. Please please join us" He looked around and then looked at me, "you aren't inviting your 'new' friend?" He emphasised on new and I understood he is talking about jungkook. I shook my head which is obviously a lie. I wonder what will I say to him when he will find out about him. "Okay then, I will come"

I jumped in happiness and hugged him. "Thank youuuuu" I felt his hands on my back, he squeezed his hands, I closed my eyes feeling him. It was something else. I never felt it before. I have to go but I don't want to leave him. I wish time would stop and I could just be in his arms. I opened my eyes to see jungkook in a distance, I got embarrassed but he just smiled and went from there. "Tae!" He hummed, "leave me" He broke the hug but didn't left me, "but i don't want to" He again hugged him. "What should I do that you will leave me?" I asked him, "hm if you will kiss me then I will think to leave you" I widened my eyes and mouth. "Are you mad?" I pushed him, he had his naughty smirk.

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