Ep 20

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He departed his lips from hers. And looked at her intensely. She looked at him. "I am sorry, I will never do that again. I will never shout at you-" She kept her hand on his lips, "shh.. I am sorry, I said way too much"

"It's ok." Then all of a sudden she fell unconscious, he took her in his arms.
"Y/N" He patted her cheeks but she didn't responded. He picked her in a bridal style and took her inside.

[Let me tell you, Suho and Jackson have already left]


Next morning, y/n woke up and found herself in his arms. She looked at him who was hugging her tightly, sleeping peacefully. She touched his face and then saw her sleeves changed. She looked at her clothes and found herself in his clothes. She immediately screamed.


He fell from the bed. "What happened? Why are you shouting like this?"

"How dare you touch me?" He looked at her in confusion. "What?"

"Stop acting like you know nothing. What happened last night? I am in your bed, you are hugging me and I am in your clothes. What did you do last night?"

"Y/N, let me explan"

"What?? Your excuses? Shut up. Don't you dare to talk to me"

He grabbed her wrist and then kept his hand on her mouth. "Stop. Don't dare to say a word next"

She looked at him.

"You fainted last night... I brought you inside, you had a high fever due to drenching in rain... I asked the female servant to change your clothes... Your temperature was not getting low so that's why I hugged you to make you feel warm.... I didn't touched you in any way."

She looked at him with honesty. He removed his hand from her mouth and sighed. He then got up from bed. But she stopped him.

"Tae" He turned to her. "Thank you..." He just smiled a little. "Tae, I wanted to tell you something else too"

"What?" She looked at him, "I didn't regretted our first kiss" He looked at her shockingly. "Wh..at..what? You still remember it?"

"Yes, that time I must have thought it was all a mistake but at the same time I liked it. I really liked it. But I was hesitate to accept it because I thought we are just friends. .. I am sorry for making you feel bad. I really regret it"

He pulled her into a hug.. She hugged him back.. He kissed her forehead.. Hugging her tightly as to never let her go away from him...

After some time, y/n had her head kept on his chest while he was caressing her head. "Y/n I have something for you" Tae said, she looked at him, "what?"

He got up from bed, opened his closet drawer and took out a small box. It was the same box which he bought before leaving Seoul.

"What is this?" She asked, coming to him. He smiled and opened the box, revealing a beautiful ring.

She looked at him in aw and hugged him tightly. "It's so beautiful. Is it for me?" She asked, he nodded. Then got on his knees.

"Y/n, I know, we both have been just friends since childhood, but still I have always considered you more than a friend. You were always with me, you always took care of me, we both had a fight, still you were always with me. even though i was very jealous when you told me that you like jungkook. Because of this I distanced myself from everyone. I did not understand what to do, so I left Seoul. But finally we are together now and I don't want to lose you. I know I have hurt you a lot but give me a chance, I will make everything right.
Will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you marry me? please I love you very much and I will not be able to live without you."

She got in tears and nodded. He smiled with tearful eyes and made her wear the ring. He kissed her hand, she pulled him into a hug. He too hugged her.

"I love you too.. I love you too and I too can't live without you.." She said tearfully, he chuckled and wiped her tears off. Then kissed her forehead, they again hugged each other..


"You guys are finally together" Eunha said in the group video call

"The way y/n ran from here seemed like you are going to die" Jimin said while laughing. Taehyung glared everyone.

"I am really happy to see you guys together" Yerin said excitedly

"Hyung, when are you going to get married now?" Jungkook said with a smirk

"When the right time comes" Taehyung replied

"Oh well we are thinking to get married next month" Lisa announced

"Congratulations Lisa" Y/n said. Others too congratulated them.

"You all know guys, me and hobi are going to perform at the National Dance Contest" Irene excitedly said.

Everyone became happy and congratulated them. After talking for some time.

"Guys, do you remember that painting which me and y/n made?" Jungkook asked, everyone nodded. "Actually now's the time when we want to tell you all about the meaning behind -"

Eunha interrupted him, "jungkook, we already know about it. That painting obviously shows you, y/n and taehyung"

Others giggled. Taehyung shockingly looked at both of them.

"What?? And no one told me about it??" He said. "Taehyungie, for that you need a brain" Jimin said while others laughed.

"Okay okay guys, let's talk later" Y/n said and they hung up the call.

Then she started laughing, thinking of what jimin just said. Taehyung glared at her and ran behind her. She ran around the room. He kept chasing her until finally held her wrist and pulled her towards him. They both fell on the bed. She kept giggling, he grabbed her jaw gently and they both looked at each other, sharing an eye contact.

He leaned towards her and the screen got blurred...

To be continued....

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