booksbyhc - "Spirit Stalkers"

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Name of Author: Holly M. Campbell

Title of Book: Spirit Stalkers

Favorite Authors: J.K. Rowling, Jane Austen, Mitch Albom, Patricia Briggs


I'm a published author, a wife and mother, and once upon a time, I was a dancer. I also love to sing...and, of course, read.

Spirit Stalkers

Can you explain what your book is all about?

Nineteen-year-old Mary White is the newest member of the ghost-hunting group Spirit Stalkers. Unlike the others, Mary doesn't need any special equipment to communicate with the dead. When Mary is assigned a week in the creepy and mysterious Davis house, only one person volunteers to stay with her—the thrill seeking, adrenaline junky, and annoyingly attractive, Mark Ingalls. Mary isn't afraid of the ghosts (not yet anyway), but a week alone with Mark? For the shy, theater major, the prospect is terrifying. Especially since she suspects Mark's motive to stay in the house with her goes way beyond ghost hunting.

Who is your target audience - and why?

The book is New Adult, meant for women ages 16 or 17 to about 30. The characters are fairly young, most of them college students away from home, which is why I think it would appeal to that age group. There is also a very strong romance element, so I think it is most appealing to women. I hope that all ages and genders can enjoy it—though I wouldn't recommend it to someone under 13.

What is 'paranormal' about your story?  

The whole premise involves seeing and talking to spirits. And then, Mary has a special gift to make the spirits a little more real—she allows other people to tap into the other side. However, this gift becomes dangerous as it gives ghosts physical power.

Does it contain other genre elements, if so which ones - and why?

Yes: romance and mystery. There is a lot chemistry between the two main characters, Mark and Mary, and quite a build-up of their relationship. The mystery aspect of the story begins when Mary comes across the Davis house and a ghost confesses to murder, but won't tell her who he killed or why.

Tell us about your writing process - how do you get from story idea to a Wattpad published story?

Ideas come constantly. Everything around me inspires me. Not all ideas are good ones, so I sort of let them sit for a little while until I feel like I have something solid. Then I do a lot of world-building and plotting. Or I simply start writing and see where it takes me. I don't believe there is one way to write a novel. I believe you have to have a lot of discipline and that you shouldn't write only when you feel "inspired." But I also believe you should go with your gut. What works with one writer may not work with you. I carry a notebook wherever I go and write down ideas or bits of dialogue that come to me. When plotting a story, I like to create story maps, character profiles, etc.

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them?

The challenge is always to just start. It can be daunting. You feel like you must have that perfect opening sentence first. It helps me to either read the previous section, or to jump ahead and write something I'm excited about, or to play music that matches the mood of the story. Those things don't work all the time, but they do work most of the time. And usually, once I get that first sentence, the rest sort of flows.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you?

Different writers have different strengths. I've read novels that were so exquisitely written, I wanted desperately to love them, but instead found the pacing off and the characters boring. I've also read novels with great characters and a fun hook, but no beauty in the prose. I love finding those authors who manage to give you a great story, endearing characters, AND beautiful prose. It doesn't happen that often. Even though writers might shine in one area than another, I think for a story must have at least a hint of all these aspects to be written well.

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