metatron13 - "Obskura: The Hidden World of Magic"

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Name of Author: Rudolph A. Rabago

Title of Book: Obskura: The Hidden World of Magic

Favorite Authors: Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Haruki Murakami, Umberto Echo, Douglas Adams and JRR Tolkien


I am a Filipino English Writer who resides in the Philippines. I used to be a heavy RPGamer and that partly influences the content of my work. I prefer to write in first person so that the reader can delve into the inner workings of the characters' minds.

Obskura: The Hidden World of Magic

Can you explain what your book is all about?

The novel is about a group of friends who experiment with a summoning ritual. It did not give the results they desired, but it opened their minds to an awareness of a world that they only thought was pure fiction. The experiment also unlocked certain supernatural powers they got because of the experience. The story chronicles how they cope with what they now are capable of experiencing. Of course, they soon realize that they are not the only ones with this awareness and special 'gifts'.

Who is your target audience:

Teens to any age. Some of the themes taken up in the story might offend younger audiences or they might not understand them entirely. So, thirteen would be a good starting age. Other than the age, it will cater to anyone.

What is paranormal about the story:  

The setting is dark fantasy in a modern setting. In this case, it is set mostly in modern day Metro Manila. Some characters have supernatural or mystical powers. There is an active effort of hiding anything supernatural from the general populace so as not to make people aware of their existence. Also, the entities in the story have paranormal elements.

Does it contain other genre elements?

Yes, it does. You can categorize it as also fantasy and mystery. Fantasy because there are common mythical elements here in modern form, and mystery because of the multiple first person point of view which weaves a tapestry that the reader must piece together himself. It also contains a lot of action elements and some mild witty humor.

Tell us about your writing process

I have a lot of notes of things I'd want to write about. Now it's just a matter of picking the right elements for use in a story. Then I add certain elements from my own experiences to the mix. After that, it's the endless process of edit, write and edit.

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them? 

Yes. I keep in mind how I want to begin and how I want to end the story. Then it's just a matter of visualizing how to reach the end by filling up details in between. The key is sifting through all the information you want and finding all that you need.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you? 

Writing well is writing what you know and writing from the heart. I honestly think you can't write well if it isn't your love-child. That's how you can easily find your voice. You start from there and everything else will follow.

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