anirrelevantsaucepan - "Karma"

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Name of Author: anirrelevantsaucepan

Title of Book: Karma

Favorite Authors: My all time favourite would be Sophie McKenzie because her stories were the first I read and all of her stories are beautiful.

Bio: I'm just your average person. I like sleep more than I like anything else, but coming a close second is probably listening to rain. I overuse the word 'beautiful' to a point that it isn't normal and describe almost everything as 'fabulous' in real life. Like, seriously. I may be metaphorical on paper but in real life I couldn't spin together something beautiful without stumbling over my words and then forgetting the whole point, and that irritates me to the end of the earth and back.

Can you explain what your book is all about? 

It's basically the belief of karma, but personified. For example, good karma you get a nice surprise (one example I use in the book is a card full of glitter, which isn't really nice if you've ever tried getting glitter out of carpet) and if you have done something bad (for example murdering someone and getting away with it) you get bad karma (you die, in simple terms). The story is in the POV of a Karma who is bad and things take a drastic turn when she can't seem to kill someone.

Who is your target audience - and why? 

Probably teenagers, considering I am a teenager and so the style I write would be able to relate to them more than, I don't know, a thirty year old.

What is 'paranormal' about your story? 

Basically the fact that there is an afterlife and to become a 'Karma' you have to die with the correct life experiences. There are also demons, and a guy called 'Devan' who personifies Death.

Does it contain other genre elements, if so which ones - and why? 

Yes! My other main genre is action which plays a key role. Also, I guess, romance would be one too, but the story isn't centered around romance.

Tell us about your writing process - how do you get from story idea to a Wattpad published story? 

I came up with the idea when I read a story someone had written where the main characters name was 'Karma' (literally just the name of the main character, there are no ties with their book to mine). And I thought it was a wonderful name to call someone and then I thought maybe I could do something with that and, boom, here we are today.

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them? 

Writers block was a major set back in some cases and, also, the action scenes. Like I said, I'm your average person and one of the downfalls is I've never been in a fight, so writing some of the scenes were particularly difficult.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you? 

You need to write well in order to do well. There's no doubt about it. If you want to do well with writing, you have to do well in writing. Also, you're always going to need to write, whether it be shopping lists or an cover letter for a job, writing is always there. It's like you're trapped in a box with it, not that that is a bad thing.

One final question, this being the Paranormal genre: Have you ever had a paranormal experience? 

Nope. I may have written it in this genre, but I don't really believe in all of that. I mean, I don't really care.Are there ghosts? Aren't there? Why ask questions you'll never be able to answer, unless you can answer them then go ahead. If there is an afterlife, I'll be incredibly intrigued, but until there is proof, I'm going to stay perched on the sideline.  

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