Csteptoe - "Last Refuge of Humanity"

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Name of Author: Charlotte
Title of Book: Last Refuge of Humanity
Favorite Authors: Too many, but some are J.K. Rowling, Anne Rice Diana Wynne Jones

Bio: ok bio for me...Um... Female, likes chocolate, a lot. I write (obviously). Adore Dragons and desperately wants one of my own. Enjoys childish things, you'll probably find me playing with the toys more than the recommended age kids do. Sparkley things distract me; my magpie curse. Um...a Guide leader, enjoys camping in her tent. Can be random at times; has a pink car.

Last Refuge of Humanity

Can you explain what your book is all about?

A paranormal, post apocalyptic story. The book is set seven years after the event and follows one young woman (Elisha) who surviving day to day through the aftermath. but it's not all doom and gloom there are some fun, friendly moments too. Best way to find out is read it, please.

Who is your target audience - and why?

Anyone really, but it's new adult audience, from say 16 - 30 both male and female. According to Wattpad statistics I've had a whole age range of readers.

What is 'paranormal' about your story?
The book has all sorts of paranormal creatures in it, the world, our earth in which the book is set, has both humans and paranormal creatures living in harmony till the apocalypse. the main character gets involved with and in paranormal goings on. 

Does it contain other genre elements, if so which ones - and why?
Last Refuge is definitely multi genre. With elements of action, romance, thriller (in my head i sing that word) horror. Why do i think it does? because of the subject of the book, post apocalypse, it opens up the story allowing more than one genre element. It's a beast that can't be contained in a small genre cage; besides why not use more than one element? What's the worst that can happen?...

Tell us about your writing process - how do you get from story idea to a Wattpad published story?
Normally my ideas start as dreams then evolve from there. This idea actually sprung from a mix of The Walking Dead, Buffy and The Book of Eli when I was walking the dog one day.

I've never really been a zombie fan and I don't want to write about real possible apocalypses like nuclear war and asteroid strikes they kind scare me. So i thought how about paranormal, vampire, werewolf instead.

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them?
My big challenge is the spelling grammar and punctuation bit of writing being dyslexic, but I just use spell checker. teaching myself learning about grammar and spelling from books and youtube videos and kind folks on Wattpad.

The dreaded writer's block too, but for that I either write some one shot/ flash fiction or if I know where I want my story to go I write the next chapters beyond the writer's blocked bit and join it up later when inspiration strikes me.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you?
"Writing well" I've honestly never heard that before; so nothing.

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