butterballporkbun - "Alpha and Omega"

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Name of Author: butterballporkbun

Alpha and Omega


Can you explain what your book is all about?

It's about a goddess dealing with the destruction and decline of the planet that she created. Due to the fact that both a lot of humans and non human creatures feel like she's failed them as a God, or rather a Goddess.

Who is your target audience and why?

While I had to rate my book mature do sexual content and gore I don't believe in target audiences really. My mom let me read whatever I wanted and growing up my parents always instilled in me that knowledge is the best thing that you can have because no one can take that from you. But I would advise against reading this to your toddler for reason.

What is paranormal about your story?

Pretty much everything, there are Familiars, there's a goddess, there's vampires so yeah I would say so.

Does it contain other genre elements, if so which ones and why?

Horror and slight romance, it contains horror because my mom was a horror fanatic so I grew up basically hearing bloodcurdling screams coming from the tv she loved Freddy, Jason, Chucky, Micheal. All the original and more. There's romance in it because I play a lot of otome games and that is what made me like romance not romance books. Dating sims.

Tell us about your writing process, how do you get from story idea to Wattpad published story idea?

Honestly I barely do any planning at all, I've always had a wonderful imagination so once I have the idea of the story in my head I use my note app on my phone to write the title then the summary, afterwards I make a cover and I instantly know how my book is going to end. Honestly coming up with a title is harder for me at times. I never get writers block I don't have pre-made chapters. Ever. I write everything as I go, then copy paste it onto Wattpad, spellcheck it twice then I post it. 

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so how did you overcome them?

One challenge I had in the beginning was letting someone actually read my writing. I used to just stick it away in this old chest in my room for safe keeping. I remember that it took a lot courage to just allow my mom to read one of my stories. I kind just asked her one day because she was the person I trusted the most.

You often hear that writing well is the baseline for success. What does that mean to you?

Really? I didn't know that to be honest I don't think I write well I Write Creatively.

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