xoCloudyApplesxo - "Merciful Fate"

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Name of Author: xoCloudyApplesxo

Title of Book: Merciful Fate

Favorite Authors: Ednah Walters, Wally Lamb, Nicholas Sparks.


I live in Florida and I'm a full-time college student pursuing a BA in English/minor in Anthropology. I'm an occasional blogger (Tumblr) with a passion for deep fried Oreos, traveling, and all things literary. When I'm not in school, I'm either hanging out with good friends or catching up on my favorite TV shows. I absolutely love Fantasy and horror movies, although I'm painfully afraid of demon/possessions films!

Merciful Fatehttp://www.wattpad.com/story/30161832-merciful-fate-completed

Can you - briefly - explain what your book is all about?

While most teenagers are on vacation during the summertime, seventeen year old, Rosalynn Young finds herself engulfed in a shadowy world of Fallen Angels, Onyxs— malevolent fallen angels that's beset with darkness, and Darklings, the descendant of a fallen angel and human woman with metallic gray wings— that soon turns deadly.

Who is your target audience - and why?

My target audience is YA, both males and females who are the age of thirteen and up, but of course, my book appeals to an older audience also.What is 'paranormal' about your story? Rosalynn lives a sleepy town that is heavily influenced by folklore and traditions. There's an annual celebration celebrating an Angel named Gideon. But most importantly, there are Fallen Angels in my book, Onyxs, and Darklings.

Tell us about your writing process - how do you get from story idea to a wattpad published story?

My writing process is a bit chaotic and disorganized. I did not write an outline for Merciful Fate, and I never forced myself to write if my heart wasn't in it. I would hear a song or see a photo and that would act as a catalyst and spark something in me. I rely on beautiful music, scenery and pictures to influence me.

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them?

Merciful Fate went through an identity crisis. Initially, I wrote the story as a Dystopian Fantasy. I made it to Chapter 21 before I realized that it wasn't the best genre for my book. I then changed it to High Fantasy, which consequently didn't work out as I hoped. Finally, I decided to make it Paranormal and set it as a modern day tale. I overcame this hurdle by trial and error. Although it took me a lot longer to finish the story, I glad that I experimented with different genres until I found the right genre that worked best for my book.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you?

Writing well is less about being grammatically correct, but more about writing a believable story. The characters should feel real and should be relatable. Nothing worse than having a main character that people just don't care about. You want your readers to become attached to the world that you've created, and they should be able to put themselves in your characters' shoes.

One final question, this being the Paranormal genre: Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

No I haven't; but from watching a lot of horror movies, I don't think I want to!

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