MKGaud - "Always Kiss Me Goodnight"

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Name of Author: Megan Gaudino

Title of Book: Always Kiss Me Goodnight

Favorite Authors: Jenny Han, Jodi Lynn Anderson, and Jandy Nelson


Megan Gaudino works in a high school library by day and on her own books by night. She lives in Pittsburgh where you can find her reading, writing, and Instagraming.

Always Kiss Me Goodnight

Can you explain what your book is all about?

Always Kiss Me Goodnight is a paranormal story full of mystery and suspense. It's about Sophia, a girl trying to find her way and make it through high school without rocking the boat. But, Fate has other plans for her and her world is capsized when she meet Leo.

Who is your target audience - and why?

Always Kiss Me Goodnight is a Young Adult book that think appeals to a wide audience but particularly thirteen to eighteen year olds.

What is 'paranormal' about your story?

Always Kiss Me Goodnight takes place in our world, but there is so much going on we don't know about. There are these mythical creatures called Guaridans of Fate who secretly carry out Fate's wishes. Guaridans themselves can have special powers such as altering the weather, stopping time, and controlling nature.

Does it contain other genre elements, if so which ones - and why?

Because the love story between Sophia and Leo is central to the plot I would say there is a touch of Romance.

Tell us about your writing process - how do you get from story idea to a Wattpad published story?

I'm always taking notes throughout my day and wherever I go. I think it's important to use even the tiniest bit of inspiration because you never know what it could turn into. The writing itself comes much more easily if you have at least on solid idea in your head, so I like to take the things that inspire me and work them into the story. To make my characters seem real I like to include little things my friends do and quirky character traits, it's more fun that way!

Did you encounter any challenges when writing, if so - how did you overcome them?

I'm not a planner when I write I'm more of a see how things go kind of writer and that can be very challenging. Sometimes, it can lead to an amazing and unpredictable plot, sometimes you can write yourself into a corner. The best way to overcome that though is just to re-write.

You often hear that 'writing well' is the baseline for success. What does that mean for you?

To me, writing well means making a story that is, at the very least, readable. You could have an amazing plot, awesome characters, and a stellar setting, but that means nothing if the story is so full of grammatically errors it can't be understood. Luckily, the mechanics of writing can be learned and fixed.

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