Waking up should be easy.

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He was running.
A cold sweat had seeped into his bones shattering him to the core as he ran past men and women without faces lurking in the shadows.
It was just a dream, wasn't it? Then why couldn't he wake up?
The invisible assailant's voice ricocheted through his mind.
"You can't run forever boy. What will you see next time you look in the mirror? The killer you so righteously called your father? The saviour of the world? What will it be!?"

"Alex! Alex you dipstick! Alex! Get up you've got 10 minutes to get to school, Alex!" Wolf growled from downstairs.

Why MI6 made Wolf his legal guardian was beyond him.

He groaned as he rolled out of bed, his feet landing on the floor with a soft thud.

"Alex, don't make me come up there!" Wolf shouted threateningly.

"I'm up Wolf," Alex shouted hoarsely, kicking an old pair of socks across the floor in search of his uniform shirt.

"Good. If you want me to drive, you get your ass down here in 8," Wolf said, lowering his voice an inch.

Alex rushed around pulling on the light blue shirt and grey shorts, found his tie by his school shoes, and grabbed his bag while running out the door.

"Wolf, have you seen my blazer?" He asked, grabbing an apple from the fruit basket, and his Science book.

"You left it on the coat rack," Wolf said, poking his head through the door.

"Thanks," Alex mumbled, biting into a rather dodgy looking green apple. "We're leaving in 2. And Alex, you might want to fix whatever you call that," Wolf said, motioning to his hair.

Alex brought a hand to his head, feeling the rather puffy strands.

"Shit," he muttered.

"Yeah... ah, I'll be in the car."

Alex stared at his reflection in the living room mirror. He ran a hand through his hair getting it into some sort of reasonable order, grabbed his navy blazer and shrugged it on. He shouldered his bag and slammed the door behind him.

He spotted Wolf's grey Mustang and jumped into the passenger seat.

Wolf was in a good mood, Alex thought to himself, maybe today would be a good day.

Or so he hoped.

Beginning to end Alex Rider.Where stories live. Discover now